“We talk to ourselves incessantly about our world. In fact we maintain our world with our internal talk. And whenever we finish talking to ourselves about ourselves and our world, the world is always as it should be. We renew it, we rekindle it with life, we uphold it with our internal talk. Not only that, but we also choose our paths as we talk to ourselves. Thus we repeat the same choices over and over until the day we die, because we keep on repeating the same internal talk over and over until the day we die. A warrior is aware of this and strives to stop his internal talk.” ~ Carlos Castaneda
Internal Talk
Isn’t it interesting that when it comes to others – the way they think, speak, act and live their lives – we get really aggressive, angry and defensive whenever we feel that there is a lack of integrity, love, dignity and respect – towards themselves and those around them.
But when it comes to our internal talk – our own thoughts, attitudes, moods, and mental conversations; when it comes to our own choices and behaviors, we rarely stop to question whether there is any sign of dignity, love, integrity and self-respect in the way we think, feel and act – towards ourselves and those around us.
We demand respect from others, and get really angry when we don’t get it. But when it comes to ourselves; when it comes to treating ourselves with the dignity, love and respect we truly deserve, we have no problem stepping all over ourselves.

If there is one person on the face of Earth who is truly worthy and deserving of love, dignity, and respect, that is yourself!
To be looked at with eyes of love and wonder; to be treated with dignity, kindness, admiration and respect – by yourself and those around you, is not a luxury, it is your birthright.
You deserve to be seen, to feel loved, safe and valued – within your body and your world. And you can create this safe space starting today, and starting now.
11 Ways to Change Your Internal Talk From Self-defeating to Self-empowering
1. Make a commitment to yourself
To always stand up for yourself – even if you are standing all alone;
To use your mind in a way that is loving and uplifting;
To no longer allow your internal talk to tear you down and make you feel unworthy, unsafe, unhappy and all alone;
To be your own guardian angel and use your internal talk to feel safe, loved, nurtured, valued and protected.

2. Be the gatekeeper of your own mind
Stand guard at the door of your mind and do not allow any unloving thoughts to pass through and poison your mind. Take the advice of St. Paul, and “whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”
3. Place your internal talk under the microscope
By paying close attention to the thoughts you think and the toxic ideas that harass you daily. And by writing them down on a piece of paper and changing them into their opposite.
Here are a few examples:
- I am worthless >> I know I am worthy and enough and the whole world knows it too!
- Nobody will help me >> I know that the whole world is here to serve, love and provide for me!
- I can’t do it >> I know that I can do all things through the God power that lies within me!
- I am all alone >> I know that I am always surrounded by loving and supportive people!
4. Listen only to that which brings peace to your mind and joy to your heart
“Avoid the friendships of those who constantly inquire and discuss the flaws of others!” ~ Arabic Proverb
Refuse to enter into conversations that are only designed to put others down and talk about their weaknesses and shortcomings. Turn your ear from everything that is meant to hurt and to wound another. And do not waste your time with those who constantly inquire and discuss the flaws of others.

5. Do not waste one moment in regret
“Do not waste one moment in regret, for to think feelingly of the mistakes of the past is to reinfect yourself. “Let the dead bury the dead”.” ~ Neville Goddard
Do not waste one single moment in regret. For to think feelingly of the mistakes of the past is to reinfect yourself. The mistakes of the past belong in the past and should be left there. Let the dead bury the dead and move forward with your life.
Use each moment as an opportunity to tend to the garden of your mind and plant the seed of compassion, confidence, healthy self-esteem, dignity, integrity, self-love and self-respect.
6. Be not afraid of falling
And make a fool of yourself. Be more afraid of allowing your internal talk to put you down – over and over again – and convince you that it’s all over for you.
7. Use your mind creatively
“Do not think, not even for a single moment that it’s all over for you. Because it’s not. If you’re still here, still breathing and walking this Earth; if you still have a grain of hope and a tiny seed of faith and trust within that heart of yours, you can still move mountains. You can still make your life a work of art.” ~ Luminita D. Saviuc
Take over the reins of your own mind and learn to use your internal talk creatively, no longer destructively. Plant the seed of greatness by exposing yourself to greatness. Take the advice of the great Socrates and use the time given to you to improve yourself by other men’s writings, so that you shall gain easily what others have labored hard for.

8. Be the warrior in your life
“Change your conception of yourself and you will automatically change the world in which you live. Do not try to change people; they are only messengers telling you who you are. Revalue yourself and they will confirm the change.” ~ Neville Goddard
As Carlos Castaneda said it so beautifully, you talk to yourself incessantly about your world. In fact you maintain your world with your internal talk. And whenever you finish talking to yourself about yourself and your world, the world is always as it should be.
You renew it, you rekindle it with life, you uphold it with your internal talk. Not only that, but you also choose your path in life as you talk to yourself. Thus you repeat the same choices – over and over again, until the day you die, because you keep on repeating the same internal talk over and over until the day you die.
A warrior is aware of this and strives to stop his internal talk. A warrior strives to change their concept of themselves because they know that in doing so the world is their mirror, and if they change, the world will reflect that change.
You are not stuck where you are!
You can change. You can tell yourself a better story. And you can make this new story your reality. But you must first believe this to be true. You must believe that change is possible and that it can happen to you!
9. Be transformed by the renewing of your mind
“Be transformed by the renewing of your mind” by changing the ideas planted there, for you cannot change your thinking until you change the ideas from which your thoughts flow.” ~ Neville Goddard
Get clear on who you are and what you stand for, where you’re going, what you value, with who and how you want to live your life. Get clear on the thoughts you want to think, the feelings you want to experience in your body, and the way you want to live and be in the world. And then get busy BE-coming all of that. And if you don’t yet know how to do this, make it your purpose to KNOW!
10. Reclaim your power as your own
“Because of your belief in external things you think power into them by transferring the power that you are to the external thing. Realize you yourself are the power you have mistakenly given to outer conditions.” ~ Neville Goddard
Do not go around looking for faults and blaming outside circumstances for who you are, how you think, feel and live your life. Realize you yourself are the power you have mistakenly given to outer conditions and use internal talk to reclaim this power as our own.
11. Take no pity on yourself
Learn to be okay with falling. Learn to be okay with making mistakes and making a fool of yourself from time to time. And take no pity on yourself. Keep your head up high and walk this Earth with dignity. For you are a divine and noble being and there is absolutely nothing pitiful about you.
And these are the 11 Powerful Ways to Change Your Internal Talk From Self-defeating to Self-empowering. I hope you will be brave enough to adopt each one of them as you walk on your new found path so that you can build a greater identity and a far better life for yourself.
Luminita D. Saviuc
Luminita is the Founder and Editor in Chief of PurposeFairy.com and also the author of 15 Things You Should Give Up to Be Happy: An Inspiring Guide to Discovering Effortless Joy. For more details check out the 15 Things You Should Give Up To Be Happy Book Page.
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