Last week we began to contemplate the question: To whom do I belong. Not so much as a member of a family, race, country, etc.. But to whom do I belong in the grand scheme of things? So if you haven’t read part 1, make sure to start from here.
The need to Belong
“You do not really want the world you see, for it has disappointed you since time began. The homes you built have never sheltered you. The roads you made have led you nowhere, and no city that you built has withstood the crumbling assault of time. Nothing you made but has the mark of death upon it. Hold it not dear, for it is old and tired and ready to return to dust even as you made it.” ~ A Course in Miracles
From the moment you were born, you were raised to believe that you needed the world’s constant validation, love and approval to reach a place of full acceptance and worthiness. Since the world was made up of many and you were just one—even if deep down inside you knew this to be wrong—little by little, you gave yourself away to the never ending demands and expectations of the world around you—until there was nothing left of yourself.

Wanting to belong more than to stand firm and true in your integrity and authenticity, you lost yourself to a world that promised you everything, but gave you absolutely nothing worth having in return. And in so doing, you failed to realize that it was never the world your heart and soul were longing for.
Although the world has disappointed you since time began, you still haven’t reached that place where you can finally say: Enough is enough! You haven’t yet reached that place where you can admit the truth to yourself: It is not the world who will free me from my suffering. It is not the world who will make me feel worthy, safe and loved. It is I!
Remember to Whom You Belong: Part 2
“Soul, if you want to learn secrets, your heart must forget about shame and dignity. You are God’s lover, yet you worry what people are saying.” ~ Rumi
I don’t know about you, but in my world, while growing up, these words seemed to be everywhere: You should be ashamed of yourself. What would people think? What would people say?
Parents were terrorizing their little kids everywhere with these heavy remarks, without realizing the harm these words will continue to do long after they were being said.
If you made a mistake or made a fool of yourself, the first thing you were taught to worry about was other people’s thoughts and opinions of you.
It wasn’t about you: Hey, are you okay? Are you hurt? Do you need some extra love and help? But rather about them: What would they think?
You were shamed for being human and for showing your weaknesses and vulnerability—even though you were just an innocent little child. And you were made to think that other’s opinions of you were way more important than you honoring your thoughts, feelings and emotions.
That’s how I grew up and that’s what I was programmed to think was important. And as silly as it may sound, I struggled with this my whole life. And I still do at times.

You are of noble origin
“Break away from the unscrupulous; do not fall for the deceit of ghouls. You are of noble origin – you are from the highest high. By spirit, you are deathless – imperishable; magnificent from within. You belong to the glorious – you are of divine radiance.” ~ Rumi
If you ask me, there is no greater harm you can do to someone than to deprive them of their freedom and birthright to be who they truly are. And if you take a good look around you, you will immediately realize that the majority of people have been deprived of this right and they don’t even know it.
The majority of people don’t even know that who they think they are, is not who they truly are. And that their Real Value and True Worth have absolutely nothing to do with external things like: looks, material possession, religion, race, color, gender, sexual orientation, age, worldly accomplishments and so on and so forth.
“That which is real never changes” were the words once uttered by an enlightened being. Which means that your mind, body, career, friends and family, material possessions, achievements, trophies, and all the things you identify yourself with and deem valuable and oh, so important – which are are always changing – are not real.
These are just externals. Things that come and go. And the only thing that is real is your deathless and eternal Spirited Self. The Self which gives life to the body but it’s not the body.
You belong to this Self. For you are One with it.
But in order for you to realize this great Truth, you must learn to be still, silent and listen – for the truth that lies beyond the words. You must be brave enough to break away from the unscrupulous and no longer fall for the deceit of ghouls. For you… You are of noble origin – you are from the highest high. By spirit, you are deathless – imperishable; magnificent from within. You belong to the glorious – you are of divine radiance.

Whenever you feel unloved, remember to whom you belong
“Whenever you feel unloved, unimportant or insecure, remember to whom you belong.” ~ Ephesians 2:19-22
My journey from agony and despair began long before I even realized it had began. Although I wasn’t aware at that time, at a deeper level I always knew that there was more to me than what the world wanted me to think there was.
As a child, I remember getting so angry whenever people would look down on me. It made me so mad, because deep down inside I knew there was more to me than what the world saw. I just knew it!
I knew it back then and I still know it today.
I know that we are far greater than everything we think and feel and believe ourselves to be. And that, even though our physical senses and the whole world might disagree, in truth, “we are God’s” (John 10:34). All of us!
“Whenever you feel unloved, unimportant or insecure, remember to whom you belong…” Yes… I remember reading these words many times before. And although it took me a while, I am beginning to remember who I Am, and to whom I belong.
I am beginning to remember that, even though I have a physical body and I live in a physical world, the truth of me is far greater than my body and this world.
I am beginning to remember that, even though I was led to believe that you and I are separate and so far apart, in truth, we belong to one another because you and I are always One… never separate and never apart.

I am beginning to remember that I belong to the greatest Love of all. And that the rest, safety, and peace I have been so desperately trying to find – out there, have been within me all along.
I now know that I belong to everything and everyone. Because I am ONE everything and everyone. And although for a long time it seemed to me as though it was me against the world, in truth, it was only me against myself. The world was never my enemy, for I was only battling against myself…
Luminita D. Saviuc
Luminita is the Founder and Editor in Chief of PurposeFairy.com and also the author of 15 Things You Should Give Up to Be Happy: An Inspiring Guide to Discovering Effortless Joy. For more details check out the 15 Things You Should Give Up To Be Happy Book Page.
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