Where is the Love? Why Only the Loving Find Love
In the midst of all the chaos that surrounds us, and all the sensitivity that seems to engulf almost every human being that […]
10 Ways to Love Yourself the Way You’ve Always Wanted, But Nobody Ever Did
Every desire is a gift from above that contains both the power and the plan of its self-expression. Which means that your longing […]
Mindful Parenting: 6 Great Lessons to Help You Be More Present with Your Child
Mindful parenting is a journey, not a destination. The ebbs and flows of parenting go up and down, like a never ending rivers stream.
The 7 Most Important Values to Pass on to Your Children
The secret of a good life is to have the right loyalties and hold them in the right scale of values.” ~ Norman Thomas
Dr. Ramani’s Most Shocking Lessons on Narcissism
When it comes to narcissism, there isn’t a person more qualified than Dr. Ramani Durvasul to point out the many shocking ways narcissism can infiltrate in our relationships, taking over our lives and robbing us of our sanity, dignity, safety, peace of mind, health, and well-being.
The Painful Truth About Narcissistic Relationships
“Narcissism is about dominance, power and control… To the narcissistic person the only point of reference is theirs… ‘How dare you go succeed […]
The Call of Love: How Love Changes Everything
“When love beckons to you follow him, Though his ways are hard and steep. And when his wings enfold you yield to him, […]
Romantic Relationships: 6 Small Things That Can Make a Huge Difference in Your Love Life
“Romantic relationships are all about mirroring the love that is already present deep within each and every one of us. When our love […]
The 3 Types of Friendship and the Value They Bring to Your Life
Friendship is a universal language. No matter what our age, race, color, gender, or social status may be, we all seek the love and support of our friends. We all want to be a friend and have a friend. But are all friendships beneficial? Are they all meant to bring us joy, fulfillment and happiness? Well, this is exactly what today’s post is all about.
Learn to Pay More Attention to the Voice Within and Less to the Noise of the World
The voice of wisdom urges you to go within. To continue to be used, mistreated, and abused, the world forces you to stay without…
6 Things You Should Forgive Yourself For
“Forgive yourself for the mistakes of the past and all the things you think you have done wrong. That was the best you knew how to do at that moment. Now that you know better, you can do better.”
The Secret To Healthy And Loving Relationships
“Only when we give joyfully, without hesitation or thought of gain, can we truly know what love means.” ~ Leo Buscaglia Loving Relationships What […]
The Desperate Search for Love: Part III
“Do not give your heart to anything else But to the love of those who are clear joy, Do not stray into the […]
The Desperate Search for Love: Part II
What happened to me? Where did my innocence go? Where is my kindness, my ability to love… where is my power to forgive?’
The Desperate Search for Love: Part I
“As long as Man continues to search for love ‘out there’, he will fail to realize that love is always where he is, […]