Princess Diana: 28 Life-Changing Lessons to Learn from Diana
From time to time, great people like Princess Diana grace us with their presence and remind us of the things that are truly valuable and essential in life;
If Self-respect Could Speak: 10 Simple Truths It Would Say
What if self-respect could speak? What do you think it would have to say? What do you think it would have to teach? Have you ever wondered? Well, I have. And I got to discover that self-respect can, and is speaking all the time, to those who are ready and willing to listen.
States of Consciousness: The Endless States People Fall Into
“There are an infinite number of states. The state of health, the state of sickness, the state of wealth, the state of poverty, […]
Joseph Murphy: 40 Life-Changing Lessons to Learn from the Great Dr. Joseph Murphy
“Remind yourself frequently that the healing power is in your own subconscious mind.” ~ Dr. Joseph Murphy Dr. Joseph Murphy From the author […]