Jim Rohn: 35 Life-Changing Lessons to Learn from the Influential Jim Rohn
Through his powerful teachings, Jim Rohn inspired millions of people to pursue their dreams, achieve their goals, and live a life of abundance and fulfillment.
Powerful Self-love Meditation for Women from Dr. Joe Dispenza
“What a great blessing it is to have access to this Powerful Self-love Meditation for Women from Dr. Joe Dispenza and be taught […]
Wishes Fulfilled: Wayne Dyer on How to Fulfill All Your Wishes
“Your wishes—all of them—can indeed be fulfilled. By using your imagination and practicing the art of assuming the feeling of your wishes being fulfilled, and steadfastly refusing […]
The Beauty of Serving Another
Serving as a Purpose A student once asked his teacher: Master, what need I do, that I am not doing to fulfill my […]
Wayne Dyer’s Powerful Morning AHH Meditation for Manifesting
Wayne Dyer’s Morning AHH Meditation for Manifesting uses the sound of ‘AHH’ which is the sound of creation, to help you awaken the energies of your body – from the lower centers up to the center between your eyes, which is often called the third eye.
Powerful Violet Flame Meditation to Heal Your Life
“You can be renewed each day and you can walk that perfect path because of the violet flame. Do not lament lost hours […]
The Five Greatest Gifts You Can Give to Those Around You
We often lose sight of the small steps we can personally take to improve the lives of those around us and offer them […]
44 Life Changing Lessons to Learn from Nisargadatta Maharaj
Nisargadatta Maharaj is the author of the incredible book, I Am That. This book that has the power to liberate its readers from […]
Two Powerful Ways to Train Your Attention Through Meditation
Out of all the cognitive abilities that you possess, attention is by far the most powerful. And for a good reason too. Research […]
7 Precious Gifts Every Parent Should Offer Their Child
Being a parent is one of the most profound experiences in a lifetime. Even if you love kids and enjoy playing and spending […]