The Hard Truth about Attachment
“It is very important for us to learn that with attachment comes pain, with attachment, comes sadness, suffering, bitterness, and anger, with attachment […]
The Only Problem Solving Technique to Use for Happier and Healthier Relationships
I is vital for a thriving relationship to figure out good problem solving techniques. In this article, I will explain why it is important not to fight and the seven steps you can apply to live a thriving “relationship without fighting”.
The Extraordinary Power of Perspective
Writing to you from 40,000 Feet Up Coaching took me from London to Washington DC this week. As I write, I’m on the […]
5 Things Highly Successful People Have in Common
“Successful people do what unsuccessful people are not willing to do. Don’t wish it were easier; wish you were better.” — Jim Rohn
The Beauty of Serendipity: How to Find Purpose, Happiness, and Peace in Difficult Times
“Serendipity is not seen as an “accident” at all, yet an attitude or kind of lifestyle in which you are always paying attention to these unexpected things that can bring a smile, joy and peace even in the most difficult times.”~ Christine Ramsay
12 Beautiful Ways Mothers Can Play a Significant Role in Their Child’s Success
Mothers are undeniably the womb of humankind and they play a truly significant role in their child’s success. Throughout history, we have seen […]
5 Effective Must-Try Memory Games to Prevent Cognitive Decline
Particularly for those in their golden years, cognitive decline – particularly associated with memory ability – can potentially be discouraged or slowed by playing certain memory games.
Nikos Kazantzakis: 33 Life-Changing Lessons to Learn from the Loving Nikos Kazantzakis
Much inspiration and wisdom come from Nikos Kazantzakis, the author of Zorba the Greek, Saint Francis, and many more life-altering books. Nikos Kazantzakis […]
Mental Health: 7 Simple Tips on How to Discuss Your Mental Health Issues With Others
“If you are struggling with mental health, know that you are not alone. In a world where the abnormal has become the new […]
What Is Your Greatest Fear, Failing in Life or Becoming a Better Version of Yourself?
“We fear that the life we truly want to live would be too scary to bring into manifestation. But to live in such […]
Failure as a Mother: A Message for All Mothers That Feel Life Failures
When was it that you stopped feeling like a failure as a mother and actually focused on how much you have actually been […]
5-Minute Confidence: How to Start and End Your Day with a Positive Mindset
Here are 3 ways you can beat your bully and boost confidence every day in under 5 minutes.
Rabindranath Tagore: 39 Life-Changing Lessons to Learn from the Wise Rabindranath Tagore
From the author of Gintajali and composer of India’s National Anthem, Rabindranath Tagore, a lot of inspiration and wisdom have come. Rabindranath Tagore […]
Prove Yourself: Letters from Your Soul on the Futility of Always Trying to Prove Yourself
“Run my dear, run as fast as you can from all those who try to make you believe you ought to prove yourself […]
The 7 Traps of Sensationalism and How to Fill that Empty Void within Your Soul
“The illusion of sensationalism keeps most people trapped and unaware of their divinity. By always looking outside themselves, always striving and never arriving, […]