39 Things We Don’t Pay Enough Attention to, but We Should
“Life all the time distracts our attention and we do not even have time to notice from what exactly.” ~ Franz Kafka Pay […]
Remember to Whom You Belong: Part 2
Last week we began to contemplate the question: To whom do I belong. Not so much as a member of a family, race, […]
If Self-respect Could Speak: 10 Simple Truths It Would Say
What if self-respect could speak? What do you think it would have to say? What do you think it would have to teach? Have you ever wondered? Well, I have. And I got to discover that self-respect can, and is speaking all the time, to those who are ready and willing to listen.
States of Consciousness: The Endless States People Fall Into
“There are an infinite number of states. The state of health, the state of sickness, the state of wealth, the state of poverty, […]
When Enough is Enough
When is enough, enough? You might be a little confused about this question, or you might know exactly what I mean, but allow […]
The Power of Now Simplified: 88 of the Most Important Ideas on Surrender, Presence, Freedom and True Happiness
“You are here to enable the divine purpose of the universe to unfold. That is how important you are!” ~ The Power of […]
12 Hurtful Stories We Need to Stop Telling Ourselves
The lies we tell ourselves may feel like truth to us, but they are just lies that are only meant to hurt, harm, and limit us from experiencing the greatness of life
9 Daily Reminders to Deepen Your Love
“You can deepen your love daily, not through great acts of romanticism but through small acts of great love.” ~ Luminita D. Saviuc […]
William Blake: 33 Life-Changing Lessons to Learn from the Genius William Blake
William Blake William Blake was and still is a creative genius way ahead oh his time – and even our own time. Poet, […]
How to Build Self Respect: 7 Steps to a Healthy Self-image
Self respect is all about honoring your Self and the Truth of who you are. Because when you honor your Self and your […]
The Final Analysis: 8 Powerful Perspectives on Life That Will Change You for the Better
What I will share with you is a beautiful final analysis perspective on life attributed by many to Mother Teresa that is part […]
Never Enough: How to Stop Feeling Like You’re Never Enough
Why do we feel like we’re never enough? Is it because the people around us have made us feel this way, or is […]
You Are Enough
This is the TRUTH of you: You are worthy. You are valuable. You are enough. There is absolutely nothing about you lacking. ~ […]
5 Healthy Ways to Let go of Self Judgment
“Self judgment is a form of self-abuse. We often talk about the toxic behaviors of others and the damage it does to our […]
Overcoming Our Biggest Obstacle to Feeling Worthy and Enough
The time has come for you to start feeling worthy and enough! Why? Because feeling worthy and enough isn’t a luxury. It’s your […]