Love: A Beautiful Poem by Kahlil Gibran
If there is one thing we all long for, that is to love and be loved. We long to reach that place within […]
Healthy Masculinity: 15 Traits to Help Men Embrace Their Masculinity and Become the Embodiment of a Man
“Masculinity is not about being the biggest, the fastest, the strongest, the one who sleeps with the most girls, and the one who […]
How to Change and Replace Old Self-defeating Beliefs with New Empowering Ones
“When we truly recognize that our beliefs are that powerful-we hold the key to freedom.” – Bruce H. Lipton Unhealthy beliefs During the […]
Remember to Whom You Belong: Part 1
“Whenever you feel unloved, unimportant or insecure, remember to whom you belong…”(Ephesians 2:19-22) Yes! I remember reading these words many times. But I […]
Gary Zukav: 35 Life-Changing Lessons to Learn from the Inspiring Gary Zukav
“Humbleness, forgiveness, clarity and love are the dynamics of freedom. They are the foundations of authentic power.”~ Gary Zukav
The Hero’s Journey: 38 Powerful Quotes to Guide You Through Your Own Journey
“When the hero is ready, the mentor appears.”~ The Hero’s Journey
Jack Canfield: 33 Life-Changing Lessons to Learn from the Wise Jack Canfield
“Spend time with the people you want to become like. If you want to be more successful, you have to start hanging out with more successful people.”~ Jack Canfield
The Seat of the Soul: 40 Quotes to Align Your Spirit with Your Higher Purpose
“For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. You receive from the world what you give to the world.”~ The Seat of the Soul by Gary Zukav
Learn to Pay More Attention to the Voice Within and Less to the Noise of the World
The voice of wisdom urges you to go within. To continue to be used, mistreated, and abused, the world forces you to stay without…
The Gifts of Imperfection: 39 Beautiful Reminders to Embrace Your Perfectly Imperfect Self
Shame, blame, disrespect, betrayal, and the withholding of affection damage the roots from which love grows. Love can only survive these injuries if they are acknowledged, healed and rare.”~ The Gifts of Imperfection by Brené Brown
Albert Camus: 34 Life-Changing Lessons to Learn from the Wise Albert Camus
“The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.”~ Albert Camus
6 Things You Should Forgive Yourself For
“Forgive yourself for the mistakes of the past and all the things you think you have done wrong. That was the best you knew how to do at that moment. Now that you know better, you can do better.”
The 6 Core Needs: How to Tend to Your Core Human Needs in a World That Teaches You Not To
“Among psychologists there is a wide-ranging consensus about what our core needs consist of. These have been variously listed as: belonging, autonomy, genuine […]
The Five Love Languages: 50 Secrets to a Love that Never Dies
“For love, we will climb mountains, cross seas, traverse desert sands, and endure untold hardships. Without love, mountains become unclimbable, seas uncrossable, deserts unbearable, and hardships our lot in life.”~ The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman
Miguel de Cervantes: 29 Life-Changing Lessons to Learn from the Renowned Miguel de Cervantes
“He who loses wealth loses much; he who loses a friend loses more; but he that loses his courage loses all.” ~ Miguel de Cervantes