How I Turned My Wounds into Wisdom and My Difficulties into Opportunities
Why should I cry over something that happened long ago when I can focus my energy on turning my wounds into wisdom and my difficulties into opportunities?
6 Powerful Tips for Having Stress Free Relationships
Is there such a thing as stress free relationships? Have you ever experienced feelings of uncertainty, anxiety, and helplessness? Did you go through […]
50 Deep Questions to Ask Yourself for Deep Insights
Deep questions create deep insights. And with the insights we get, we can create a life that had purpose and meaning. A life that makes us truly happy.
Powerful Third Ray Meditation: Open Your Heart to Love’s Healing Power
“Use the Third Ray of Love to melt away the heaviness you feel in your heart and experience love’s healing power both within […]
Forgiveness: 6 Life-Changing Lessons for Finding Inner Peace
“Forgiveness is a gift you give to yourself, to be at peace, to be happy and to be able to sleep at night. You […]
The Powerful Journey of Healing and Releasing the Past
“Pain is a pesky part of being human, I’ve learned it feels like a stab wound to the heart, something I wish we […]
Emotions: On Using Your Emotions to Your Advantage
Emotions get such a bad rap. We’ve all heard that women are too emotional, men don’t know the meaning, and kids are told […]
Abusive Marriage: 6 Ways I Learned to Love Myself Again after an Abusive Marriage
An abusive marriage leaves more mental scars than physical ones. And while the bruises fade with time, the blueprints of an abusive relationship […]
15 Great Parenting Mistakes That Can Damage Your Child
“Most parenting mistakes do not come from not caring, but rather from caring too much.” Parenting Mistakes As a parent, it’s only natural […]
12 Powerful Lessons to Help You Forgive
Forgive and let go of all the anger, all the toxicity and all the resentment that is poisoning your mind, body, soul, and life and fill your heart with love
Your Authentic Self: 15 Ways to Connect with Your Authentic Self
“You Authentic Self isn’t separate from you. No! It never was and never will be… So can you surrender to this idea that […]
7 Powerful Ways to Deal with Highly Judgmental People
“Judgmental people are not ‘bad’ people. They are simply misguided beings who have lost themselves in a world of fear, blame, and criticism. […]
The Incredible Power of Self-Compassion
“People who score high on tests of self-compassion have less depression and anxiety, and tend to be happier and more optimistic. Preliminary data […]
The Thirst for Deep Connections and Meaningful Relationships
The Thirst for Deep Connections “We cultivate love when we allow our most vulnerable and powerful selves to be deeply seen and known, […]
3 Key Steps For a Happier Life
I have spent the first quarter of 2021 speaking to students, mums, dads, employees, employers and everyone in between, about their wellbeing, living […]