20 Minutes to Mend A Broken Heart: Guided Meditation
“It is only with true love and compassion that we can begin to mend what is broken in the world. It is these […]
5 Things You Can Do To Love Your Authentic Self More
To love your authentic self is to surrender to this idea that who you are is already whole and complete. That nothing you say or do can add any value to you
What Happens When Mother Nature Reminds You Who You Truly Are
There is nothing, nothing more healing than the mother nature. Many discovered this during our first universal and unifying lockdown, when we were […]
5 Ways to Protect Your Heart and Allow Yourself to Love Again
“Nurturing, feeling, and softening your heart will help you bounce back from whatever life flings at you, and protect your heart, allowing you […]
When the Ones You Love the Most Hurt You the Most
“Why is it that the ones you love the most, hurt you the most? Is it because love is blind?
30 Life Promises To Hold Onto Daily
The promises we make to ourselves are sacred. For they give value to our words and reveal to the whole world how much we think that we are actually worth.
Relax and Unwind: 70 Free Guided Meditations for You to Enjoy
Here are 70 Free Guided Meditations for you to choose from, to enjoy and meditate on whenever you feel like it. They are all-powerful, beautiful and life-changing.
35 Life Changing Lessons to Learn from Dale Carnegie
Through his work, Dale Carnegie has inspired and empowered millions of people from all over the world, me including. And today I would […]
Let Go of Negative Emotions: Guided Meditation
When you let go of negative emotions, you communicate to yourself and the whole world that you are serious about creating a healthy, happy, […]
You Are Enough
This is the TRUTH of you: You are worthy. You are valuable. You are enough. There is absolutely nothing about you lacking. ~ […]
How to Be Happy: The 10-Day Happiness Challenge
As Dalai Lama said it so beautifully, happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from our own actions. And what better way to […]
15 Valuable Life Lessons to Learn from Vishen Lakhiani
Therefore the Master steps back so that people won’t be confused. He teaches without a teaching, so that people will have nothing to […]
11 Things You Should Start Doing for Yourself Today
Enjoy everything that happens in your life, but never make your happiness or success dependent on an attachment to any person, place or […]
The Importance of Outgrowing Your Childhood Limitations
We are a product of our emotions, thoughts, behaviors, and experiences, but it all starts with our beliefs. Oftentimes, we develop childhood limitations […]
How to Deal with Negative People
“You cannot expect to live a positive life if you hang with negative people.” ~Joel Osteen How do you deal with those negative […]