10 Simple Reasons Why People Don’t Mind Their Own Business
“People don’t mind their own business because they believe that interfering in your life and making uninvited inquiries into the private affairs of […]
You Are Not Alone
You are not alone on this path you are now walking – you never were and never will be. You are loved. You are safe. You are guided and protected.
6 Interesting Things That Happen When You Stop People Pleasing
“In many ways, overcoming people pleasing tendencies means letting go of old limiting beliefs about your self-worth. When you start valuing yourself, your entire world changes.”
How Poor Sleep Can Affect Your Mental Health
Before directly going on to the effects of poor sleep on your mental health, let’s first discuss what poor sleep is? What is […]
Nothing Changes Unless You Do the Work
“Nothing changes unless you do the work. But so many of us don’t want to do the work. And that’s when things start […]
How to Deal with Job Burnout and Workplace Stress
Job burnout is a type of stress that can consume you physically, mentally, and emotionally. When you see the signs of job burnout […]
Being a Happy Parent: If You Could be Any Kind of Parent, Be a Happy One
“What I have learned throughout my journey is that the one thing your kids want from you is to have a happy parent.”~ […]
Happy Couples: 13 Powerful Lessons to Learn From Happy Couples
“Happy couples are the most beautiful couples. They illuminate the world with their love, reminding us of the power of love and the […]
Powerful Motivation for When You’re Feeling Down and Out
“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.” ~ Zig Ziglar When was […]
When the Ones You Love the Most Hurt You the Most
“Why is it that the ones you love the most, hurt you the most? Is it because love is blind?
How to Keep Yourself Motivated at Work Despite Wanting to Be at Home With Kids
Some mothers are blessed enough to have the opportunity to stay at home and raise their kids first hand. They can have all […]
44 Life Changing Lessons to Learn from Nisargadatta Maharaj
Nisargadatta Maharaj is the author of the incredible book, I Am That. This book that has the power to liberate its readers from […]
How I Stopped Being a Pushover
When I stopped being a pushover, I discovered that I didn’t have to suffer in silence to make everyone else happy… Being a […]
How to Educate Your Teenager to Choose the Right Friends
“Teach your teenager to choose the right friends for them. Help them understand how important it is to have friends who believe in […]
Marriage Regrets: The Hard Truth about Relationships
“If you enter a relationship/marriage feeling incomplete and expecting to become complete simply by being in it, chances are that you will have […]