You Are The Light: A Heartwarming Story On Healing Past Wounds
The pain was brutal, it had been waiting on me for years. A cosmic fire seared, cleansed, began healing. Something new washed over me. Light. My spirit. The pain transformed into a radiant joy.
On Having the Courage to Face Yourself
In a world that teaches us to constantly place our energy and attention Outside ourselves, and mostly never Within ourselves, it takes great courage to face yourself.
When the Ones You Love the Most Hurt You the Most
“Why is it that the ones you love the most, hurt you the most? Is it because love is blind?
Heal Your Soul with Light: 8 Ways to Heal the Pain from Your Past
“You will never know that light exists if you first didn’t realize you were in the darkness. The idea is to be aware […]
How to Stop Taking Things Personally: 3 Ideas That Actually Work
“Learning to stop taking things personally, you free yourself from being the slave of toxic vibes and emotions and you no longer allow […]