Brené Brown Speaks on Shame: 6 Types of People You Should Never Confide In
Here are the 6 types of people you should never confide in. A really inspiring video with a powerful message. Worth seeing, and sharing.
The Power of Vulnerability: Why Vulnerability Is Your Greatest Strength
“I understand now that the vulnerability I’ve always felt is the greatest strength a person can have. You can’t experience life without feeling […]
5 Powerful Things That Matter In Life, and People Too Often Forget
“While getting lost in all those little things that seem so important, don’t forget the little things that matter…”~ Virginia Alison The Dalai […]
4 Unexpected Yet Powerful Lessons to Learn from Birds
Many might wonder what is there to learn from birds…I for one love birds. They are delicate and always happy and always making […]
40 Minutes to Raise Your Vibration: Guided Meditation
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” ~ Nikola Tesla This intelligent […]
The Best Piece of Advice Maya Angelou Has Ever Given and Received
“The best advice I’ve ever given — I hope — is that which I gave to my son when he was growing up. […]