The Incredible Power of Self-Compassion
“People who score high on tests of self-compassion have less depression and anxiety, and tend to be happier and more optimistic. Preliminary data […]
Dr. Wayne Dyer on the Last 5 Minutes Before You Go to Sleep
Dr. Wayne Dyer on the Last 5 Minutes Before You Go to Sleep “Tonight and every night for the rest of your life […]
Become Limitless: Guided Meditation to Let Go of Limitations
You become limitless when you let go of all the lies you have told yourself up until now and commit yourself fully to the […]
Phenomenal Woman: Maya Angelou’s Most Beautiful Poem
Phenomenal Woman by Maya Angelou “Pretty women wonder where my secret lies.I’m not cute or built to suit a fashion model’s size But […]
7 Powerful Steps to Take Back Your Power and Be True to Yourself Again
“Take back your power. It belongs to you and no one else.” ~ Luminita D. Saviuc Take Back Your Power You might not realize […]
How Grounding Can Improve the Quality of Your Life
“In order to deal with the chaos that exists in the world today, you need some grounding. That grounding best comes from knowing […]
The Importance of Pursuing a Meaningful Career Path
What does it really mean to pursue a meaningful career path? I got a call from a college freshman from my alma mater […]
Daily Affirmations for Wealth and Abundance
The Power of Daily Affirmations What a wonderful thing it is to start each day with daily affirmations that are meant to fill your […]
444 Gateway Transmission: The Birth of a New Age
444 Gateway Transmission offers us the opportunity to rise, like the Phoenix from the ashes of the past, and start to create something new!
Awakening to Truth and the Return to Wholeness
The time for awakening has arrived. This isn’t a time to fear. This is a time for all of us to awaken and for humanity to return to wholeness.
Letters from Your Soul: On Taking Back Your Power Now
Taking Back Your Power Now If you would invest more time in taking back your power than you do in pretending you have […]
13 Powerful Steps to Align with Your Purpose
13 Powerful Steps to Align with Your Purpose
What Are the Qualities of a Strong Woman and How to Get Them
“A woman is the full circle. Within her is the power to create, nurture and transform.” ~ Diane Mariechild Being a strong woman […]
Letting Go Of Attachment- Your Story
Are you holding onto something yo need to let go? From what I have noticed over the years, a lot of people suffer […]