5 Great Reasons To Write a Thank You Note More Often
This will help revive the beautiful life-giving habit of sending a thank you note that the world needs now more than ever.
5 Best Breathing Exercises To Relieve Anxiety
Have you ever tried breathing exercises to get rid of overthinking, panic attacks, stress, or anxiety? Unfortunately, most of us don’t because we […]
How to Reduce Your Anxiety and Listen to Your Intuition
We are all born with the ability to feel anxiety. Anxiety is protective and can keep us safe from danger. The problem is […]
4 Ways to Relieve Anxiety Before Going to Bed
Image source. Anxiety and stress are horrible for your sleep. Ever done a quick email check before turning off the light–only to see […]
7 Essential Oils to Alleviate Stress and Anxiety
Essential oils affect numerous biological factors, from heart rate to blood pressure, immune function, breathing, and stress. Essential Oils to Alleviate Stress and […]