How to Let Go of Fear and Return to Love
“When you let go of fear, you return to love. And when love is present, the light of your Being shines through all […]
Wellness Shield Meditation: Angelic Assistance with the Global Pandemic 2020
Falling deeper into fear during this Global Pandemic will not bring us closer to health. Nor will it make us feel safer. On […]
Do You Love or Do You Fear?
“Do you Love, or do you fear? Do you allow your Inner Light and Truth to guide you or do you allow fear […]
5 Powerful Tips to Overcome Depression While Studying
Here are five ways to help you overcome depression and complete your course of study, without feeling like you have no more life in you.
12 Ways to Deal with Major Life Changes
Here are 12 ways to help you deal with major or not so major life changes and understand that everything happens for you, not to you.
How to Cope With the Holiday Stress
How can you handle the holiday stress and its challenges? Here are a few suggestions to help you do so and actually enjoy the holiday season.
Change Your Attitude, Transform Your Life
When you change your attitude, you whole life changes. Are regrets present in your life? I really hope not. But if they are, […]
4 Ways to Relieve Anxiety Before Going to Bed
Image source. Anxiety and stress are horrible for your sleep. Ever done a quick email check before turning off the light–only to see […]
9 Ways to Handle Change in Your Life
We can learn to handle change in a way that brings us peace of mind. Change can be good or bad – but […]
Reduce Anxiety: Sleep Hypnosis to Reduce & Reverse Anxiety
You can reduce anxiety by refocusing your attention. And guided self hypnosis is an amazing tool for this. Reduce Anxiety Our lives can […]
10 Ways to Get Rid of Stress in 10 Minutes or Less
When we experience stress, the fight or flight mechanisms kick in and the areas of our brain responsible for thinking, planning, and creativity […]
The Science Behind Stress And How To Release It
We all feel stressed from time to time, whether it’s work induced or just an overwhelming amount of responsibilities queueing up one after […]
Guided Meditation for Deep Relaxation
“If a man insisted always on being serious and never allowed himself a bit of fun and relaxation, he would go mad or […]
Positive Affirmations for Coping with Stress and Tension
“The truth is that there is no actual stress or anxiety in the world; it’s your thoughts that create these false beliefs. You […]
17 Simple Ways to Keep Anxiety in Check Every Day
We all suffer from anxiety sometimes, but for those who deal with it on a regular basis, it can drastically diminish the quality […]