From Fear to Fierce: 3 Powerful Ways to Becoming Fierce
This is the time to go from fear to fierce. This is the time to move beyond all lies, darkness, fears, and deceptions […]
Albert Einstein: 31 Life-Changing Lessons to Learn from Albert Einstein
There are so many valuable and life-changing lessons to learn from Albert Einstein and today I am going to share with you some […]
Maya Angelou: 21 Life-Changing Lessons to Learn from the Loving Maya Angelou
Maya Angelou, the award-winning writer, poet, actress, and civil rights activist, left behind so many valuable and life-changing lessons for all of us […]
Leo Buscaglia: 40 Life-Changing Lessons to Learn from the Great Dr. Leo Buscaglia
“Find the person who will love you because of your differences and not in spite of them and you have found a lover […]
Lao Tzu: 33 Life Changing Lessons to Learn from the Great Lao Tzu
Lao Tzu is the author of the second most translated book in the world, Tao Te Ching.
15 Things You Should Start Doing Today
Start doing today the things that will create a better tomorrow. Plant today the seeds of Joy, of Beauty, of Wealth, of Confidence, and of Love.
Daily Affirmations for Wealth and Abundance
The Power of Daily Affirmations What a wonderful thing it is to start each day with daily affirmations that are meant to fill your […]
The Beauty Behind the Imperfections
“Imperfections are not inadequacies; they are reminders that we’re all in this together.” ― Brené Brown After sharing a house for 4 years […]
The Wisdom of Silence: Learning to Talk Less and Say More
“Silence is a precious gift we give to ourselves. In that space between our words, not only do we find ourselves, but we […]
30 Life-Changing Lessons to Learn from Benjamin Franklin
Benjamin Franklin was a brilliant man who achieved brilliant things. He was genius and through his work and living presence, improved so many lives.
Buddha: 25 Life-Changing Lessons to Learn from Buddha
“If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly, our whole life would change.” ~ Buddha Buddha There are so many […]
How to Start All over and Rebuild Your Life from Scratch
It’s never too late to start all over and rebuild your life from scratch; never too late to become the person you were destined to become.
On The Invaluable Wisdom Gained In Life
Life is and always be a journey, and along the way, you will gain invaluable wisdom as long as you\re willing to open your eyes, mind and heart.
No Truer Words Were Ever Spoken
I recently received a book of poems from a friend, and one of the poems immediately caught my attention. It is called “No […]
10 Hard Truths To Bring More Wisdom Into Your Life
With this key insight in mind, I’m going to share ten hard truths about life I’ve learned that will make your life easier once your accept them.