Your Ideal Self: 10 Powerful Ways to Align Yourself with Your Ideal Self
“Your Ideal Self longs to be united with you just as much as you long to be united with Ideal Self. Do not […]
The Life-Changing Power of Saying No to Others and Saying Yes to Yourself
“By saying ‘no’ to others, you are saying ‘yes’ to yourself”. Taking the time to discern your answer prior to your reply helps in speaking your truth.
Believe It Until You Receive It: The Magic of Believing In Yourself
“Believe it can be done. When you believe something can be done, really believe, your mind will find the ways to do it. […]
Become Limitless: Guided Meditation to Let Go of Limitations
You become limitless when you let go of all the lies you have told yourself up until now and commit yourself fully to the […]