“The healing power of change is incredible. As the great Dr. Leo Buscaglia discovered, “It has the power to uplift, to heal, to stimulate, surprise, open new doors, bring fresh experience and create excitement in life. Certainly it is worth the risk.” ~ Dr. Leo Buscaglia
The Healing Power of Change
I was terrified of the Power of Change. Seven years ago I was on the precipice of losing all of those intrinsic qualities that defined me as a unique human being, I was at a loss as what to do. Eating had become my drug of choice and as the size 44-inch waistline expanded, blood vessels were constricting in unison as I worked myself to a heart attack or a stroke.
The only way to save my life was a total commitment to making changes that would affect the total human being. Even knowing this I was still scared of losing all the “good” I perceived that I had. It took a leap of blind faith that the Universe would land me safely before I could make positive gains in my own life.
I am a fan of change because this is what saved my life. All I can really attest is how my life has been enriched since.
The power of change can be an extremely intense and at times distressing force. The harbingers of change may present themselves at those crossroads of our lives where seismic events shake our foundations and all that is comfortable. Be it the divorce, illness, accident, or situation that throws us headlong into circumstances where we have to sink or swim.
There are also times when the signs that we are transitioning to a new phase are disguised in such a way that unless we lift those societal blinders that took years to develop, we will not be ready to understand what the Universe wants us to know. Society seems to encourage us to live in what our relative cultural experience defines as the status quo and not necessarily what really lies within the heart.
“We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.” ~ Maya Angelou
Change is a process that plays itself out on all levels differently for everyone. This includes the idea that whether a person decides to change where they are in life is an individual decision.
We have the absolute right to live our lives in a manner in which we want, as long as we do not cause harm to others. There are a million miles between existing where you are and decide in your mind to change, there are a million more between deciding in your mind to change and taking concrete steps to make it happen.
The Healing Power of Change: 4 Reasons Why Change Is Great for You
So why should we accept this notion of change and what may result?
1. Embrace the Healing Power of Change
Change is inevitable. It is thrust upon us. Being conceived is the first change in circumstances that we could not control. There was then no option but to leave warmth and security and face blinding light and a cacophony of noises, some of which sounded familiar.
Aging in a part of our nature and dying is the ultimate transition. Knowing these inevitable seasons will occur and there no permanence, why not truly live and change those circumstances that do not enhance us by changing those things we can control.
“The only thing that is constant is change.” ~ Heraclitus
2. The Power of Change enhances the relationship with our Self
When we do not change those things that do not enhance us, we stagnate and become complacent. We hit the start button on the treadmill of life and walk in the same place without going anywhere until we hit pause, feel the treadmill come to a slow stop, and just turn off. We get frustrated and at times angry as to where we are in our life.
There is nothing outside of your own self that will ever make you happy. Acquisitions, both animate and inanimate, satisfy temporary urges, but cannot substitute for the ongoing, ever blossoming relationship we create with ourselves.
“When we are no longer able to change a situation – we are challenged to change ourselves.” ~ Viktor E. Frankl
Change is also evident when we recognize and confront those demons that control our actions and decision making based on past conditioning. When those actions and the reasons for taking them are no longer part of our fabric, we are enhancing ourselves because actions taken are not solely for self-gain or heart protection.
We enhance this self-relationship by shedding that which deters the expression of our full true self. Invite into life change that does not harm. This then encourages the mind, body, and soul to engage in activity that promulgates their health and well-being. A positive frame of mind affects all those we come into contact.
3. The Positive Power of Change affects our relationship with all those around us
As we change and grow, we gain a deeper understanding and appreciation which then translates to how we see others and the world around us. Ideas such as love and compassion are no longer terms of art, but a way to live.
The Change brings about the release of relationships that are toxic. Only when we go through this change will we be ready to form healthy relationships with others. Now that we are beyond an ego-self, we see the bigger picture.
As we become citizens of the world around us, we begin to focus on what is really needed by the less fortunate around us and the resources necessary to accomplish any goals. Self-actualization leads to change in all facets of life and a sense of balance.
4. Maintaining a Balanced life through change affect all other aspects of Being
“Change is good for you. But unless you let go of your resistance and learn to relax into life, you will continue to perceive change as your enemy.” ~ Luminita D. Saviuc
By achieving and keeping a sense of inner harmony, decisions made on all aspects of life are seen through a lens of self-awareness.
Change in life is a constant, who we are this instant is not the same person we were yesterday because of every experience, no matter how trivial we think it may be shapes and molds our decision-making process. Where we live, what we eat, what job we keep are all in a state of flux as we go about living.
Life shifts, so it is important to maintain a sense of balance in all we do.
There are aspects of Change in which we have a choice. What changes we invite is entirely dependent on where we want to be. I Chose Living Life and am thankful for the doors the Universe has opened for me since.
Since change is the only constant in life, why do you think so many people are afraid of the healing power of change? You can share your insights by joining the conversation in the comment section below
Victor Reyes
Victor Reyes enjoys writing, lectures nationally on the issue of domestic violence and traveling to perform humanitarian work. He is currently working on a book about his experiences working in the matrix of the judicial system.
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