How My Whole Life Changed Because of One Simple Thing

“We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.” ~ T. S. Eliot

After living in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia for 2 years, I am home again… the same place where I returned in the fall of 2009 after living in U.S. for 3 years, the place where I was born and raised, Suceava, Romania.

Things have changed so much since 2009, and so did I.

How My Whole Life Changed Because of One Simple Thing

I remember how lost and how confused I used to feel back then, not knowing who I was, what I wanted to do with my life and which direction to take.

It’s incredible how much things can change in just a couple of years and how your whole life can change because of one simple thing.

I remember like it was yesterday how I used to sit down at this cute table we have in the living room, and write in my “dream notebooks” about the many things I wanted to be, do and have if there were no limits to what I could achieve.

“Become a very happy, confident, fierce, strong, kind, generous, gentle, honest person, always feeling and looking amazing.

Have a strong, healthy and beautiful body.

Understand, accept and love myself and others.

Happy and content with the way I look and feel.

I touch lives and help people change the way they think and live their lives…

Meditate at least 2 times per week, exercise.

I have attracted, and still, do, wonderful and supportive friends, loving and positive people that encourage and help me grow.

I work with people from around the world who are in need for a change. They need to change their lives in order to be happy and I help them do just that.

I am grateful for my life, for who I am and for how happy my life is.

I only focus on having positive and powerful thoughts, nothing else.

Be present in the NOW!

Because I am living life in an authentic way, people are drawn to me.

Travel around the world.

Embrace my inner child. Be playful.

Live life my own way. Stop chasing approval outside yourself.

I no longer care about other people’s approval. My approval is the only approval I need.

Make my own rules. 

Overcome the fear of dying.

Incorporate photography and personal development in your work.

Work on writing powerful and life changing books.

Change the way you think about age.

I am at peace with myself and the world around me.

I am not afraid to take risks. If I don’t take risks I will live a sedentary, unfulfilled life, feeling depressed and down… feeling unhappy and incomplete… “

and these are some of the things I wrote on my “dream notebooks”. The simple act of writing down my dreams has changed my whole life for the better.

It’s because of this simple thing that I am no longer the lost, scared and insecure girl I used to be but rather a happy, confident, fierce, strong, kind, generous and loving person.

I traveled in the last 2 years like I never traveled in my whole life (see pictures below). I made so many new and wonderful friends, people whom I love and adore and who encourage and support me in everything I do.

I used to be afraid of growing older and terrified of dying. Not anymore!

Now I know that age is just a number and because of that it no longer matters how old I am. In fact, I am excited to grow “older” because I know that as years will go by, my life will get better and better and I will grow wiser.

As far as death is concerned… because I am living life fully, I am no longer afraid of dying. In fact, I love to talk about death just as much as I love to talk about life.

A lot of things have changed since then and the best part about this whole list is the fact that at that time I had no idea how was I going to incorporate photography and personal development in my work. The funny thing is that I ended up creating the PurposeFairy blog, this beautiful baby that I love so much, which is all about personal development and the photos I use are all photos taken by me.

And it doesn’t end here. While I was in Malaysia, I worked in Mindvalley as a Product Development Creative Lead, working with authors like Burt Goldman, Laura Silva, Mike Dooley, Lee Holden and many others on creating personal development products.

This year I was also a photographer at Awesomeness Fest, Bali, one of the most incredible and impactful personal growth & entrepreneurship events in the world and in November I will go to A-Fest Dominican Republic where I will be a photographer and a speaker.

How funny is that?

I am also working on my first book (it’s taking a bit longer than I expected) which will most likely be published by the biggest book publisher in the world.

So many wonderful things have happened to me in these last 4 years and it was all because, in the fall of 2009, I decided to write down the things I wanted from life, and then take the necessary action steps to move in that direction.

I am not sharing all of these things to brag, but rather to inspire you to do the same.

I know that there is something very special in each and one of us and I know that stories have the power, and I hope my story will inspire you to to write your own list of dreams and goals, and to dare to make them all come true 🙂

~love, Luminita💫

Surprise dinner before leaving KL

Surprise dinner before leaving KL 🙂

The making of my first PurposeFairy video

The making of my first PurposeFairy video

My best friend Kristi and I

My best friend Kristi and I on the airport, saying goodbye 🙂


India Day in Mindvalley

India Day in Mindvalley with my dear friend Al

My favorite place in KL, Lake Gardens Park

My favorite place in KL, Lake Gardens Park

On the streets of KohLipe

On the streets of KohLipe

Batu Caves, KL, Malaysia

Batu Caves, KL, Malaysia

Learning to Surf in Bali

Learning to Surf in Bali

Good friends

Mindvalley Publishing Team 🙂

Beautiful Sunset on my favorite island in Thailand, KohLipe

Beautiful Sunset on my favorite island in Thailand, Koh Lipe

My second trip to Bali

My second trip to Bali

Me and Saralee (Jose Silva's granddaughter), my best friend

Me and by best friend Saralee, Jose Silva’s granddaughter

Cameron Highlands, Malaysis - Tea Plantation

Trip tp Cameron Highlands, Malaysia- Tea Plantation

Dinner with friends

Dinner with beautiful friends

Me and my new friend

Me and my new beautiful friend – Bali

Balinese Temple Ceremony

Balinese Temple Ceremony

My inner child wants to play :)

My inner child wants to play 🙂



Kuta Beach, Bali

Kuta Beach, Bali

Indian Party

Indian Party


Luminita D. Saviuc

Luminita is the Founder and Editor in Chief of and also the author of 15 Things You Should Give Up to Be Happy: An Inspiring Guide to Discovering Effortless Joy. For more details check out the 15 Things You Should Give Up To Be Happy Book Page.

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