Fall Back in Love with Life
It took me about 30 years to realize that I treated my experience of life like I was in the early stages of dating. I was always judging it, deciding if it felt safe and ready to drop it if things didn’t go right. I would dramatically jump from loving life to hating it.
I didn’t realize that I had the power to shift my relationship to life by simply embracing all of it. In the same way, you embrace a partner, knowing that people have their upsides, their downsides and everything in between.
As we get older and deal with the responsibilities of life we can easily forget the similar pleasures. While we rush around and get things done, we tend to miss how miraculous life can be. Life has begun to feel dry or our excitement dwindles. It feels like the same day with the same challenges repeating over and over.
In many ways, it is the same day especially if you miss the details.
How Does One Fall Back in Love with Life?
Just like any relationship needs a little spice or change to wake it up – so does your relationship with life. If you invest in it then you can reap the benefits.
As I spend time with my 7-month-old daughter, I watch in amazement as she experiences something new each day. This is not only because everything is so new but because she is aware of the details and is always present.
She is HERE and NOW. Her head doesn’t race with thoughts of what’s happening after this and there are no judgments about what she is discovering. She doesn’t think, “this toy is good or bad or this day is boring.”
Can you imagine how your life experience would feel if you lived like this? Completely in the present moment and out of your head? Can you imagine how it would be to fall back in love with your life?

7 Beautiful Ways To Fall Back In Love With Your Life
Here are a 7 ways to fall back in love with your life, and live it from a place of love, authenticity, and truth.
1. Fall Back in Love with Life by Playing
Do you remember being a kid and playing? It didn’t matter who you were with or what game you were playing; there was a sense of joy, imagination, lightness and freedom. As an adult, YOU CAN STILL PLAY!
What creative activities have you longed to try? What makes you silly or giddy? For example, take a dance or art class, sit on a swing at the park, blast your favorite song and sing along. Any activity that supports you getting lost in the moment will work. Don’t worry if it takes time to loosen up – keep going and you’ll find your still capable of playing.
Don’t worry if it takes time to loosen up – keep going and you’ll find your still capable of playing.
2. Awareness
Notice what you are feeling and thinking about life. Slow down and recognize what you are choosing to focus on. What might you focus on instead?
3. First Time Lens
Imagine putting on a pair of magical sunglasses before you go about your day. These glasses make every experience feel like the first time again. In many first time experiences, we can be fully present because it is so new. Notice what you might have forgotten or overlooked. Really look at your loved ones, your surroundings and feel it all.
4. Fall Back in Love with Life by Taki out The trash
Our minds are a loud and fearsome environment. Sometimes trying to hush that stereo doesn’t work. It will keep reminding you why this is silly, why it’s not safe, etc. Instead of pushing it down, allow it to come up and out onto paper. This will create more space.
5. Focus Activities
Any activity that forces you to focus gets you to be present. For instance, balance poses in yoga require concentration so if you are off in your head you will not be able to do it. If you already have activities like this but usually get lost in your head – try to pick one thing to focus on instead.
6. Acceptance
The simple truth is that there will be some days that you feel amazing and some days that you don’t. Can you recognize and accept that this is a part of life without jumping to catastrophic conclusions about life?
7. Fall Back in Love with Life by Practicing Gratitude

Have you ever tried a gratitude challenge or journal? Remind yourself to count your blessings. It’s not ever going to be perfect yet there is still so much that really is perfect right here and right now. It is about reminding yourself – what you have now.
Remind yourself to count your blessings. It’s not ever going to be perfect yet there is still so much that really is perfect right here and right now. It is about reminding yourself – what you have now.
Tell me more about how you plan to fall back in love with life by sharing it in the comment section below.
Orly Levy
Orly Levy is a Transformational Coach specializing in healing and managing stress. She uses a whole person approach by shining light on physical, spiritual and mental healing. She guides others to connect with their internal wisdom and discover peace. Through her experience of overcoming anxiety and depression, Orly has learned that by shining light on our challenges we have the power to transform them. Her practice includes hormonal health support. If you are interested in connecting or receiving a Discovery Session visit her virtual home at OrlysLight.com Stay connected with Orly on Instagram.
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