6 Creative Ways to Create Your Own Simple Joys in Life

You can create your own simple joys in life. Joy is not something for which you wait. Joyful moments are to be created. Life has both good and not so good days. However, true joy has nothing to do with the kind of day you are having. Rather, it is dependent upon the kind of sight you have – that is, the way you look at the kind of day you’re having.

Joy is a simple and a wonderful feeling you can create with whatever you have at the moment. Joy can find its way into your life, despite the hardships that you might be experiencing right now. All you have to do is stimulate your creative instinct and create your own simple joys.

How to Create Your Own Simple Joys in Life

Here is how to create simple joys for yourself and your loved ones:

1. Create your own simple joys by celebrating just Being Alive

Even if you are going through extreme adversities in your life at the moment, “My dear friend, you are still alive!” Being alive, in itself, is a great blessing.  Never underestimate what is possible.  Your heart is stronger than you know and you can change things from the current state to a better state.

2. You are a Divine Creation

There is no one like you.  You were created by the Almighty Himself.  And you are blessed with so many things – things of which millions out there are deprived. Like they say, “Count your blessings!”  I am certain you have many.

3. You are the Power in the Powerhouse

Within you is all you need. Take time out for yourself. Dive deep and reflect. You will see that you already have all that it takes to make things happen.

You are the Energy, the Source of your own good and the Creator of your own happiness. You just need to become conscious of the fact that your body is a powerhouse and you are its ultimate power. In doing so, you will shower yourself and your loved ones with many simple joys.

4. An eye for good transforms it into good

Just as the optimists of the world see the glass half full, so can you.  By looking for the good and believing that there is a ‘reason’ behind all that life presents you, you let the positive energy dwell in you, which eventually cleanses and bestows you immeasurable reward.

“Of all the adverse situations which come my way, they all have something in common – and that is that they are offered by God, He wants me to find an answer to each situation, and all that I experience is for my own good, to make me a better human being.”

5. Talk less about that which you wish to talk the most

It is often true that sharing eases the pain; howeverI also believe that when we share too much and too often, it increases the pain. You should share – but not with everyone – only with that special someone with whom you can “talk your heart out.”  And, if you don’t feel you have that person in your life, just start writing down your feelings, start “writing your heart out.”  

Ask yourself:

1. Is it worth sharing with him/her?

2. Would I feel better after sharing?

3. Can this person be of any help to me?

If any of these answers are negative, I suggest not talking about it.

The paradox is that often the more you talk about something that is troubling you, the worse you begin to feel about it – and in that way, it casts a sort of spell. It will adversely influence you and can draw you into a vicious circle. Seek advice if you feel you need it. But, be introspective too.

6. Create your own simple joys by affirming the one you see in the mirror (with a smile)

Say it! Declare it! Affirm it! The more times you say that things are okay, that things are fine, the truer that will be. Keep telling yourself that life is good, that you have much to cherish. You will have joy – in abundance – just by telling yourself that you are happy.  

I pray smiles for you, joy for you!

I pray that His grace be with you.

What are some of the simple joys that brighten your day and life? Share your insight by commenting bellow or by posting your lovely comment on the PurposeFairy Facebook Page. And if you’ve enjoyed reading this post, share it  :)


Superna Verma

Superna Verma is a learner of life and a believer in God Writing is a passion she is pursuing. She mainly writes poems and articles and some of my work has been published in news dailies.

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