“Thoughts have power, creative power. When you think thoughts that are kind, loving, honest and pure; when you use the creative power of your own mind to focus only on that which you want to have happened, your life takes the shape of these thoughts; your mind sends a signal to your body to align with the energies of these elevated thoughts and their frequencies. And before you know it, you begin to experience happiness, good health, prosperity, flow and synchronicities… ” ~ Luminita D. Saviuc
The Creative Power of Your Thoughts
“You always bear fruit in harmony with what you are. It is the most natural thing in the world for a pear tree to bear pears, an apple tree to bear apples, and for man to mold the circumstances of his life in harmony with his inner nature.” ~ Neville Goddard
You have heard it over and over again: thoughts have power, creative power. Yet, you still struggle to believe that your own thoughts are the ones responsible for your happiness, health, prosperity and well-being.
You still struggle to believe that the creative power of your thoughts is the one who dictates the events of your life, your inner state of being, and how people behave towards you.
‘How could this be?’ You often ask yourself.
‘I am not the one responsible for the stupidity, ignorance and malice of those around me. I am not the one who dictates how people act towards me, and how poorly and unfairly life is treating me.’
But if you stop and really look at how you have been thinking – on a daily basis – and the endless toxic conversations you’ve been having in your head with the world around – judging, blaming and attacking all those whom you dislike, you would come to realize that your thoughts have power, creative power. And that it is you who brought it all into your world.
The Creative Power of Your Thoughts and How They Shape Reality
“Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.” Phil. 4:8
Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things…
To make a conscious effort to nurture only thoughts that bring peace to the mind and balance to the body; to focus solely on that which can bring you closer to your humanity and that of everyone around you; to look with trust, love and confidence on that which so many others look with fear, doubt and suspicious; to think only about that which is lovely and to believe that love is truly the governing force behind it all…
To have the courage to test the truth for yourself and see whether your thoughts have creative power, or not; whether you are the one who animates your world or not, that takes a great deal of courage and confidence… it takes a spark of genius.
But guess what?
That spark of genius is present and alive within you. It always has been and always will be. And it’s waiting patiently for you to turn your gaze inwards and learn to look, not longer with the outer eyes of fear, but rather through the inner eye of love. “For it is the nature of love, as it is the nature of hate, to change us into the likeness of that which we contemplate.” (Neville Goddard )
Use your creative power to realign with happiness

“Do you want to be happy?” I asked someone close to me recently. And to my surprise and hers, she didn’t know what to answer.
When you live in pain, fear, lack, and unhappiness for so long, you begin to think that that is how life is meant to be. And you go about your days, weeks, months and even years, without ever stopping and without questioning whether there is another way.
“Do you want to be happy?” I asked again and again, even though my question seemed to make this person extremely uncomfortable. And eventually, she smiled and in a shy tone she answered: “I do.”
Happiness is not a luxury. It’s not something you have to chase after and look for it outside yourself. For happiness is who you are.
Happiness is a state of being. A way of thinking and being true to yourself and true to what you know in your heart to be right and real.
When you take your attention away from that which fills your mind with hatred, anger, fear and resentment, and place it on that which is true, on that which is honest, just, pure and of good report, you return to your sacred center. And in doing so you become ONE with happiness.
Happiness is not an elusive concept. It is not something you can ever lose, nor can it be taken away from you. But it is something you can become disconnected from, through wrong thinking and poisonous feeling.
We see the world, not as it is, but as we are

“I can only give what I am, I have no other gift to give. If I want the world to be perfect, and who does not, I have failed only because I did not know that I could never see it perfect until I myself become perfect. If I am not perfect I cannot see perfection, but the day that I become it, I beautify my world because I see it through my own eyes. “Unto the pure all things are pure.” Titus 1:15” ~ Neville Goddard
I can only give what I Am, I have no other gift to give.
If I am loving, I give love. If I am unhappy, bitter, and resentful, I give the world all that I am – unhappiness, pain, anger, fear and resentment.
If I want the world to be perfect, and who does not, I have failed only because I did not know that I could never see it perfect until I myself become perfect.
If I am not perfect I cannot see perfection, but the day that I become it, I beautify my world because I see it through my own eyes. Because unto the pure all things are pure.
And so, I go about changing myself and my thoughts.

I become the policeman of my own mind. And I pay close attention to the way I think and where my focus and energy goes on a daily basis.
At first, I will be in shock. For I will discover that I am not as kind, loving and ‘holy’ as I used to think I was. But I move past my disappointment. Because I now know that as I think so shall I feel. As I feel, so shall I become. And as I become, so shall I live my life.
I am now aware of my creative power
And I use my creative power consciously, no longer unconsciously and destructively. I am kind and loving with myself, and others.

I make a conscious effort to use the creative power of my own thoughts wisely; I redirect my thoughts onto things I want to experience in my world – always in a kind, gentle and self-compassionate way. And I do my best not to hurt myself in the process by being cruel and judgmental towards my imperfections.
I treat myself with tenderness and kindness. And although I might fall – over and over and over again – I get up and I am thankful. For I now know that my thoughts have power, creative power. And I am the ONE who is now in control.
~love, Luminita💫
Luminita D. Saviuc
Luminita is the Founder and Editor in Chief of PurposeFairy.com and also the author of 15 Things You Should Give Up to Be Happy: An Inspiring Guide to Discovering Effortless Joy. For more details check out the 15 Things You Should Give Up To Be Happy Book Page.
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