Reminders for Rainy Days

“Rainy days are part of life… They will come and they will go, no doubt about it. But what you need to remember in the midst of it all, is that rainy days come, not to hurt or harm you. But to prepare you, and the soil of your life for a fertile and meaningful existence.” ~ Luminita D. Saviuc

Rainy Days

We all have days when things don’t go the way we would want them to; days when we feel sad, lost, alone, and just not in the mood for anything or anyone ‘out there.’

It happens.

And when it does, I feel that it’s important to remember that we are not alone and that just as there is a way into these rainy days, there is also a way out.

9 Simple Reminders for Rainy Days

1. You are not being punished

You are simply being redirected on a different path – away from a life that no longer serves you, towards a life that will fulfill and replenish you. 

2. Nothing happens TO you, everything happens FOR you

And if you hold your peace – no matter how hard it may be at times; if you remain centered and at peace in the midst of all the pain, fear, and discomfort that is desperately trying to force itself on you, you will discover this for yourself. And in doing so, you will find it much easier to relax, let go and trust the flow of life. With this great realization, you will find it so much easier to reap the benefits of your challenges, and rise to the surface as a better, not bitter person.

9 Simple Reminders for Rainy Days

3. A rainy day does not mean you’ll have a rainy life

It just means that for a while, you will need to tend to certain things that are out of balance; certain things that require an extra touch of love, healing, compassion, patience, forgiveness and affection. That is all.

4. Rainy days will come and go

No doubt about it. But what you need to remember in the midst of it all, is that rainy days come, not to hurt or harm you. But to prepare you, and the soil of your life for a fertile and meaningful existence.

5. The pain that you’ve been feeling, can’t compare to the joy that is to come

You just have to have faith; you just have to stay strong in the face of all that now seems to go against you, and you just have to trust that behind all the chaos, pain, doubt and madness, there is something far greater taking place. Because there is. 

Reminders for Rainy Days The Beauty of Aging In a World That Wants to Be Forever Young

6. This too shall pass

No matter how hard it may be for you to accept, believe and surrender to this idea, the truth of the matter is that nothing lasts forever – not even your rainy days. This too shall pass.

7. You don’t need to figure everything out

You just need to relax. To let go and surrender to an Intelligence far greater than your own. 


8. You are never alone

Although it may feel like it at times, in truth, you are never alone.  The same Power that created you is guiding you, loving you, and keeping you safe through it all…

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9. Trust the process

Trust the journey. Trust life. Trust yourself. And trust that it will all turn out just fine in the end. Because it will.

And these are the simple 9 reminders that are meant to help you go through the rainy days in a way that makes you feel less fearful and more trustful – in life, self and the process of regeneration and transformation.

What about you? Do you have one reminder that has helped you through your rainy days? If you do, feel free to share it with all of us so that we can all learn, grow and benefit from your wisdom 🙂


Luminita D. Saviuc

Luminita is the Founder and Editor in Chief of and also the author of 15 Things You Should Give Up to Be Happy: An Inspiring Guide to Discovering Effortless Joy. For more details check out the 15 Things You Should Give Up To Be Happy Book Page.

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