“The greater danger is not that our hopes are too high and we fail to reach them, it’s that they are too low, and we do.”~ Wayne Dyer, Wishes Fulfilled: Mastering the Art of Manifesting
Wishes Fulfilled
No matter if you’re looking for guidance on manifesting your dreams or simply looking for a dose of inspiration, these beautiful quotes from Wishes Fulfilled by Wayne Dyer are sure to leave a lasting impression on your heart and mind. And remind you over and over again that anything is possible when you align your thoughts and beliefs with your truest desires.
31 Inspiring Quotes to Manifest Your Wishes Fulfilled
“In many ways you’ve been programmed to believe that you do not possess the wisdom or ability to manifest the fulfillment of your wishes and desires.”~ Wayne Dyer, Wishes Fulfilled
“You have a self that can look down from a more exalted position upon that lower, ego-dominated self. So begin to know yourself as something far greater than the ever-changing, ever-dying aspects that have dominated your picture of who you are. ~ Wayne Dyer, Wishes Fulfilled
Who am I? is then answered with, I am an infinite being who originated not from my parents, but from a Source that is itself birthless, deathless, and changeless.”~ Wayne Dyer, Wishes Fulfilled
“The greatest gift that you were ever given was the gift of your imagination.”~ Wayne Dyer, Wishes Fulfilled~ Wayne Dyer, Wishes Fulfilled
“Inside of us is a place that is all-knowing, all mighty, which is a fragment of God. Nourishing, healing elements with in us. There is a spark in each one of us.”
“I place no limits and no restrictions on all that I intend to accomplish and become from here on in.”~ Wayne Dyer, Wishes Fulfilled
“I am all-knowing, I am all-powerful, I am unlimited. This helps you banish doubt and refer to this portion of yourself that lives in a spiritual world of no restrictions.”
“Who am I? is then answered with, I am an infinite being who originated not from my parents, but from a Source that is itself birthless, deathless, and changeless.”~ Wayne Dyer, Wishes Fulfilled
“Health, wealth, beauty, and genius are not created; they are only manifested by the arrangement of your mind—that is, by your concept of yourself, and your concept of yourself is all that you accept and consent to as true.”1″~ Wayne Dyer, Wishes Fulfilled
“I place no limits and no restrictions on all that I intend to accomplish and become from here on in.”~ Wayne Dyer, Wishes Fulfilled
“Allow yourself to become aware of the nonphysical reality that you are a part of. Reach out to the angels or occupants of this higher invisible plane. Know that you can access guidance from those who’ve lived here before.”
“By believing passionately in something that does not yet exist we create it. The nonexistent is whatever we have not sufficiently desired.By believing passionately in something that does not yet exist we create it. The nonexistent is whatever we have not sufficiently desired.”~ Wayne Dyer, Wishes Fulfilled
“Trust in your inner guidance and your Divine connection to the creator of worlds, rather than giving so much credence to whatever objectified information appears in your daily life that is an assault on your spiritual nature.”~ Wayne Dyer, Wishes Fulfilled
“You must attach yourself spiritually to what you have placed in your imagination as a future fact, and never allow anyone, anything, any circumstance, no matter how persuasive their case, to alter what you know to be your destiny.”~ Wayne Dyer, Wishes Fulfilled
“Ideas are impressed on the subconscious through the medium of feeling. No idea can be impressed on the subconscious mind until it is felt, but once felt—be it good, bad or indifferent—it must be expressed. Feeling is the one and only medium through which ideas are conveyed to the subconscious.”~ Wayne Dyer, Wishes Fulfilled
“An inner knowing, along with a burning desire, is the prerequisite for becoming a person capable of manifesting his or her heart’s desires.”
“Snatch a thought from the running ribbon of thoughts and contemplate it. As you toss it around, notice how you feel—sad, depressed, happy, frightened, and so on. Every thought going by has an imprint on your concept of yourself.”
First be the observer, and then the contemplator. Now become the choice maker who can consciously decide to put that thought back into the running stream and pick a different one, a thought that perhaps allows you to feel better.”
“The only thing you need to learn is that you already are what you are seeking to attain.”~ Wayne Dyer, Wishes Fulfilled

“Happiness isn’t some thing in the material world that can be acquired and stored and used when needed or wanted. If it were, I’d give you a lifetime supply that would guarantee a happy life. No—happiness is an attitude that comes from within you. It’s accessible when you place in your imagination an I am statement that reflects your attunement with the simple truth that happiness is indeed an inside job.
Happiness is an inner belief that you bring to everyone and everything you undertake, rather than expecting your happiness to come to you from others or from your accomplishments and acquisitions. There is no way to happiness, happiness is the way.”
“A higher concept of yourself involves taking on new truths and shedding your old views of what you can achieve. This is the only way you can achieve your desires.”
“By believing passionately in something that does not yet exist we create it. The nonexistent is whatever we have not sufficiently desired.”~ Wayne Dyer, Wishes Fulfilled
“I have a burning desire—an inner flame that will not be extinguished by outer forces—to know and live from higher regions, to be transformed so that my new concept of myself will no longer include any limitations. I am willing to challenge and change any thoughts that impede my having a higher vision of myself.”~ Wayne Dyer, Wishes Fulfilled
“Do not give attention to what others do or fail to do; give attention to what you do or fail to do.”~ Wayne Dyer, Wishes Fulfilled
“That which you feel yourself to be you are, and you are given that which you are. So assume the feeling that would be yours were you already in possession of your wish, and your wish must be realized. … So live in the feeling of being the one you want to be and that you shall be.”
“And when you are able to passionately feel whatever it is that you wish to have or become, as long as it is aligned with your highest self—that is, God—you become it and it becomes you.”~ Wayne Dyer, Wishes Fulfilled
“By creating an ideal in your mind, you can identify yourself with it until you become one and the same with the ideal, thereby transforming yourself into it.”
“For those who believe, no words are necessary. For those who do not believe, no words are possible.”
“Set aside multiple times during your day to stop and ask yourself this key question: Right now in what I am about to say or do, do my desires stem from my lower or my higher self? The ego is all about self-serving, ownership, winning, judging, and so on. The higher self is about serving, loving, and being in a nonjudgmental state of peace.”~ Wayne Dyer, Wishes Fulfilled
“What Is Your Self-Concept? Simply put, your concept of yourself is everything that you believe to be true. And everything that you believe to be true about yourself has landed you precisely where you live and breathe every day of your life.”
“Whatever you believe, you will find that you are correct.”~ Wayne Dyer, Wishes Fulfilled
“The point is that your outer self-concept comprises essentially everything that you believe your body is capable or incapable of. Given a true/false test on yourself, you’d be able to say with certainty, Yes, these things are true about me. They are the beliefs—the ingredients—that you use to create you.”
“Whether it’s your health, wealth, happiness, or any other element of your entire life experience, it is essential to keep in mind the importance of the movement of your attention. You must be obstinate and persistent in not allowing the viewpoints or information of others to alter your inner world. You know what you wish to become and what you would like to manifest for yourself.”
E. F.
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