Anger: 5 Healthy Ways to Express Your Anger Away
The message I want to convey is that being spiritual means to acknowledge all parts of yourself.
Here are five healthy ways to express your anger away.
The Top 5 Afternoon Activities For a Better Sleep
Have you ever wondered why some people sleep so calmly at night like their little monsters are locked in a steamer trunk inside […]
7 Ways to Deal With Depression and Anxiety in College
To get through this phase of your life here are 7 ways to take control of your life in college once again and deal with depression and anxiety head-on:
How to Deal With the 3 Types of Exhaustion
We all have coping mechanisms to deal with exhaustion- but if yours aren’t sustainable, then you’ll have larger problems than being tired. Overexhaustion […]
4 Simple Ways to Clear Your Mind and Change Your Life
If you too want to understand how to clear your mind in order to change your life for the better, here are 4 simple tips to help you do just that.
7 Ways to Shake Off the Sadness and Learn How to Be Happy Again
“Sadness may be part of life. But that doesn’t mean we can’t move past it and find our way back into joy, peace, […]
Why It’s Imperative to Seek Emotional Help
“Those who seek emotional help often feel a release of responsibility for their abuse. They are no longer attached to an event that […]
4 Ways to Relieve Anxiety Before Going to Bed
Image source. Anxiety and stress are horrible for your sleep. Ever done a quick email check before turning off the light–only to see […]
Why You Should Be Your Number One Priority
There are all sorts of reasons to make yourself your number one priority. If you’re in a relationship, the relationship may end up […]
Eat Healthier: 10 Ways to Train Your Brain to Eat Healthier
You can make a change for the better and train your brain to eat healthier and these 10 tips will help you do just that. Try at least 2 or 3 of them.
Green Healing: The Amazing Health Benefits of Being in Nature
Being in nature is refreshing, as we all know it. But what most of us do not know is that being amidst green […]
Falling Asleep: How To Fall Asleep In Under 1 Minute
Everybody had struggled with falling asleep at some point in their lives, we’ve all been there. Tossing and turning the night away never quite […]
Benefits of Yoga: 5 Benefits of Practicing Yoga
The pursuit of yoga is said to help with flexibility, relaxation, and fitness but it can deliver much more than that. There are […]
Rediscovering the Lost Art of Compassion
“In compassion and grace, be like the sun… In concealing other’s faults, be like the night… In generosity and helping others, be like […]
10 Reasons Slowing Down Will Actually Speed up Your Life
“It can be said that whatever energies you experience, you will sooner or later also experience their opposites.” – Bruce Frantzis, The Great […]