5 Steps To Bring Back Love Into Your Life
When you take a step back and take time to nurture yourself by working on the deeper issues of forgiveness, appreciation, intention and openness, you make room for magic to occur by allowing space for the Universe to hear your call.
7 Beautiful Ways To Fall Back In Love With Your Life
Fall Back in Love with Life It took me about 30 years to realize that I treated my experience of life like I […]
How to Trust Life Again, After You Have Lost All Hope
Little by little, you can learn to trust life again and return to a place of inner peace, love, and safety. And these […]
Finding Peace of Mind: Self Forgiveness Guided Meditation
Self forgiveness is one of the most precious gifts we can give to ourselves. A gift that will not only bring peace into our […]
6 Powerful Ways to Rewrite Your Life Script
Writing and editing your own life script is the most vulnerable kind of writing we can do, and here are 6 powerful ways in which you can do so.
3 Powerful Ways to Control Your Impulses
We live in a world of immediate results. From smartphones to laptops, endless information and entertainment are at our fingertips. All we need […]
How to Make an Impact by Creating a Purposeful Life
Many people today are uneasy about the state of our world, and that’s a valid concern. The idea that there’s nothing you can […]
What If You Had the Courage to Fully Trust Yourself?
“Our trust is core trust because it is actually trust in the core of ourselves. Built into our human personhood is a gift […]
10 Minute Chakra Balance: Guided Meditation
The activity of your chakras influences the quality of your thoughts, behaviors and everything you do. When one or more of the seven chakras […]
How to Live Up to Your Full Potential
If you think that you are living below your full potential, then you can starrt today with the help of the following proven steps.
Meditation Benefits for an Anxious and Active Mind
If you too have a mind that is anxious and over active, then here are some of the many meditation benefits you too can experience starting today.
What is The Difference Between Happiness and Joy?
There is a difference between happiness and joy, and once you’ve lived both of them, you’ll learn to distinguish one from the other. Here’s how:
On Living Authentically And Finding Your Happiness
Living authentically, living in a way that brings you joy, is a way of relating to life and to the world. It’s a way of engaging meaningfully with life.
Activate and Awaken Your 12 Chakras: Guided Meditation
“Our own physical body possesses a wisdom which we who inhabit the body lack. We give it orders which make no sense.” ~ […]
How to Increase Your Inner Calm in Under 5 Minutes
“When you feel life is out of focus, always return to the basic of life. Breathing. No breath, no life.”~Mr. Miyagi, The Karate […]