Get Back Up: Lisa Nichols’ Powerful Advice to Never Give Up
“No matter what happens, keep getting back up. For every time you get back up, the fall makes you stronger and thrusts you […]
5 Great Reasons You Should Bring Mindfulness Into Your Everyday Life
If you find that you are always being hooked by distractions and constantly blank out, you need to increase your mindfulness in everyday life.
Wishes Fulfilled: Wayne Dyer on How to Fulfill All Your Wishes
“Your wishes—all of them—can indeed be fulfilled. By using your imagination and practicing the art of assuming the feeling of your wishes being fulfilled, and steadfastly refusing […]
5 Beautiful Ways to Cultivate Gratitude and Foster Genuine Joy
Attaining happiness doesn’t have to be that hard or complicated. Knowing your Chinese zodiac helps. But if looking at your birth chart feels […]
8 Practical Ways to Relieve Stress and Be at Peace Again
I am here to give you some tips that really work to relieve stress and live a happier, more peaceful life because you deserve it as we all do.
From Overwhelmed to Calm: Powerful Tapping Meditation
“Many of us feel stress and get overwhelmed not because we’re taking on too much, but because we’re taking on too little of […]
Smile: It Tricks Your Brain into Greater Health and Happiness
Is it possible to smile your way into a good mood? The power of a SMILE I woke up in a great mood. […]
Be Still: 33 Life-Changing Lessons on the Power of Stillness
“Be still. Stillness reveals the secrets of eternity. Eternity embraces the all-possible. The all-possible leads to a vision of oneness. A vision of […]
4 Powerful Steps to Manifest Your Dream Reality and Raise Your Vibration
Manifesting your dream reality is something most of us have heard about by now, since Rhonda Byrnes brought the concept into mainstream culture […]
Your Ideal Self: 10 Powerful Ways to Align Yourself with Your Ideal Self
“Your Ideal Self longs to be united with you just as much as you long to be united with Ideal Self. Do not […]
The Beauty of Serving Another
Serving as a Purpose A student once asked his teacher: Master, what need I do, that I am not doing to fulfill my […]
Brené Brown Speaks on Shame: 6 Types of People You Should Never Confide In
Here are the 6 types of people you should never confide in. A really inspiring video with a powerful message. Worth seeing, and sharing.
Wayne Dyer’s Powerful Morning AHH Meditation for Manifesting
Wayne Dyer’s Morning AHH Meditation for Manifesting uses the sound of ‘AHH’ which is the sound of creation, to help you awaken the energies of your body – from the lower centers up to the center between your eyes, which is often called the third eye.
30 Inspiring Quotes About Gratitude
“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, […]
10 Negative Things You Should Stop Telling Yourself Today
If you had a friend who spoke to you in the same way that you sometimes speak to yourself, how long would you […]