15 Beautiful Ways to Be Fearless Regardless of Your Age
We are all given a certain amount of time on this earth and it’s up to us how we use it. So, I made a list of 15 ways to be fearless regardless of your age.
Your Authentic Self: 15 Ways to Connect with Your Authentic Self
“You Authentic Self isn’t separate from you. No! It never was and never will be… So can you surrender to this idea that […]
Wayne Dyer: The Teddy Story
Whether you are familiar with The Teddy Story, as dr. Wayne Dyer used to call it) or not, I can guarantee you that […]
5 Ways to Help Your Friends Overcome Negativity
How does anyone overcome negativity, especially when it is an unavoidable part of human nature? “We are taught to listen fully and be […]
5 Reasons to Let Go of Toxic Friends
“Toxic friends can be measured by how heavy your heart becomes. Yes, it cannot be avoided that friends fight but constantly making each […]
7 Ways to Clear Your Mind of Negative Thinking
“Positive thinking and negative thinking cannot operate at the same level in your mind, one needs to be the master and the one […]
5 Practical Ways to Be A Great Father to Your Newborn
Being a great father, or parenting, in general, is a difficult job. From the second your baby reveals itself to the world to […]
Depression: 7 Ways to Lift You from Depression
If you don’t think your anxiety, depression, sadness and stress impact your physical health, think again. All of these emotions trigger chemical reactions in your body, which can lead to inflammation and a weakened immune system. Learn how to cope, sweet friend. There will always be dark days. ~ Kris Carr
25 Life-Changing Lessons to Learn from Khalil Gibran
“I love you when you bow in your mosque, kneel in your temple, pray in your church. For you and I are sons […]
10 Things To Add to Your Health and Happiness To Do List
A to do list is something we put together to make our lives easier, but it’s what’s on that to do list that’s […]
6 Ways to Become a More Interesting Person
Here are six ways to help you become a more interesting person and remember just why you should always be confident and love yourself.