19 Ways to Let Go of Regrets and Live a Happy Life
According to a study, fixation over regrets or blaming yourself for every unpleasant situation may result in avoidable stress.
15 Life-Changing Lessons to Learn from Don Miguel Ruiz
There are so many inspiring and life-changing lessons to learn from Don Miguel Ruiz. And today I would like to share with you […]
12 Steps to Stop Betraying Yourself and Get Your Voice Back
Here are 12 steps that will teach you how to stop betraying yourself so that you can get your voice back and live your life in Truth, Love, and Integrity.
8 Good Reasons You Should Let Go of Clutter
Clutter is stuck energy. The word “clutter” derives from the Middle English word “clotter,” which means to coagulate – and that’s as stuck as you can get.
How to Begin Rebuilding Your Life and Make It Ridiculously Amazing
“It’s never too late to begin rebuilding your life and make it ridiculously amazing. Never too late to start all over and rebuild […]
Awakening to Truth and the Return to Wholeness
The time for awakening has arrived. This isn’t a time to fear. This is a time for all of us to awaken and for humanity to return to wholeness.
8 Powerful Steps To Positive Thinking
“Positive thinking makes us aware of the fact that our problems never had a life of their own. They were kept alive by […]
How to Let Go of the Things That Cause You Stress
To find your peace of mind, we first need to learn how to let go of the many things that cause us so much pain, stress, and anxiety.
On Surrender: Letters from Your Soul On Surrender
‘Surrender your tiredness, your loneliness, your fears, and all your confusion to Me. Release them all into my hands…’ ~ Your Soul Dear […]
The Importance of Outgrowing Your Childhood Limitations
We are a product of our emotions, thoughts, behaviors, and experiences, but it all starts with our beliefs. Oftentimes, we develop childhood limitations […]
15 Powerful Ways to Change Your Thoughts and Transform Your Life
When you change your thoughts, the world around you starts to change. And that’s when you begin to realize that your thoughts are creative and powerful.
Do You Love or Do You Fear?
“Do you Love, or do you fear? Do you allow your Inner Light and Truth to guide you or do you allow fear […]
9 Ways Forgiveness Can Transform Your Life
Forgiveness is the way back to your Self… When you forgive, you liberate yourself from the bonds of darkness and you commit to […]
7 Ways Life Tells You It’s Time For a Change
Life sends your way signs that it is time for a change, and today I’m going to share with you 10 of them. Pay close attention!
3 Important Steps to Pursuing Your Life Purpose
If you want your life to change, and start making a difference, here are three important steps to pursuing your life purpose.