Be Happy: 4 Concrete Ways to Stop Getting In the Way of Your Happiness
“When you allow yourself to be happy, it is going to snowball. You’ll attract more and more things to be happy about. And don’t forget to give oodles of gratitude. You can alchemize anything with a great attitude.”~ Cherie Roe Dirksen
Joseph Campbell: 41 Life-Changing Lessons to Learn from the Inspiring Joseph Campbell
“Life is without meaning. You bring the meaning to it.” ~ Joseph Campbell
Super Charge Your Water with This Mind Blowing Technique
“The memory of life arrived on this earth carried by the soul of water. From this memory, life awoke, the human being emerged…” […]
Give Up Rumination: The Only Way Forward and Out of the Loop of Overthinking
“Reflection is important so long as it is concluded with a positive learning otherwise it turns into rumination and life becomes an endless […]
Having a Positive Attitude: 7 Tremendous Effects of Being Positive
A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events and outcomes. It is a catalyst and it sparks extraordinary results. ~ […]
Thích Nhất Hạnh: 30 Life Changing Lessons to Learn from Thích Nhất Hạnh
When I think of Thích Nhất Hạnh, words like – stillness, love, compassion, peace and oneness, come to mind. And even though these […]
5 Great Ways to Give Up Complaining and Boost Your Positivity
If you took one-tenth the energy you put into complaining and applied it to solving the problem, you’d be surprised by how well […]
8 Powerful Steps To Positive Thinking
“Positive thinking makes us aware of the fact that our problems never had a life of their own. They were kept alive by […]
Therapeutic Journaling: How to Use Journaling to Help Solve Life’s Biggest Challenges
Therapeutic journaling goes deeper than talking about bare facts and events; it’s about writing with the intention to process and heal. Although I’ve […]
How to Stay Positive in a Negative World
Can you stay positive in a negative world? Can you remain at peace in a world that seems to be out of balance? […]
The 7 P’s: A Guide to Personal Growth
“Know your worth.” We hear it all the time. But what does this really mean? What exactly constitutes as “worth?” How do we […]
How I Went from Being Miss Positive Pants to Being Negative
Dear Self, thank you for coming back to me, I’ve missed you so much. After almost 2 months of feeling cranky, negative, quite […]
5 Inspiring Steps to Give Your Life a Makeover
“You’ve gotta dance like there’s nobody watching, Love like you’ll never be hurt, Sing like there’s nobody listening, And live like it’s heaven […]