“When you allow yourself to be happy, it is going to snowball. You’ll attract more and more things to be happy about. And don’t forget to give oodles of gratitude. You can alchemize anything with a great attitude.”~ Cherie Roe Dirksen
Who wouldn’t give themselves permission to be happy? Well, you’d be surprised how many of us don’t allow our own happiness. Let’s unpack this…
Many of us hit a wall when it comes to truly living in joy. This could be for a number of reasons. Some being:
You don’t feel you deserve or are worthy of happiness.
You are a master saboteur and don’t even realize you have a belief program running that blocks happiness.
You are a future-projector, ‘When I get/achieve this, I’ll be happy’ kind-of-person.
You may feel you have nothing to be happy about.
Or you may feel guilty when you are happy because others around you (or even across the globe) are unhappy or suffering.
Can you identify with any of the above?
No fear — let’s see what you can tweak in your own programming to get you to allow for happiness in your life experience. It really isn’t that challenging.
The Art of Allowing Yourself to Be Happy
First you need to realize that happiness is a state of mind not something to be attained.
Your inherent divine state is geared towards following your bliss. In my opinion, it’s why we are here — to be joyful and creative. It’s what you need to get rid of (aka, clearing your cache of limiting beliefs) that is laying siege to happiness.
The art of allowing is a gift that you can present yourself in any given moment. Allowing is a choice.
Be Happy: 4 Concrete Ways to Stop Getting In the Way of Your Happiness
On your journey of allowing, see if you can hit the reset button on your negative beliefs, or beliefs that don’t serve you anymore, by:
So, for example, if you feel undeserving and unworthy, you can flip it around and declare, “I AM deserving.”“I AM worthy.” As the saying goes, “Fake it ‘til you make it.”
You are not a mistake of creation, creation doesn’t make mistakes — you are here because you are a worthy creation of All that Is. You have only chosen to feel unworthy to play out some form of karma or, possibly, a fascination with limitation for some reason.
2. Remember that you can choose to see the positive in any given situation.
The Universe is impartial so your choice is always going to be seeing something in a positive, negative or neutral way. For example, you get stuck in traffic. Your negative belief dialogue could go something like this: “This sucks.”
“Why does this always happen to me?”
“Things never go my way.”
Your positive belief could go like this: “Maybe there’s a great reason that I was delayed.”
“This traffic sure has given me time to think and reflect.”
“I can use this time to do my affirmations.”
You may never know why you were held up but choosing to assign it a positive meaning steers your belief system to a better outcome. It can make you believe more in a nurturing Universe where your back is always covered, if you’re willing to help yourself out with a more positive dialogue.
3. Allow yourself to always find good in your surroundings.
For example: If you feel you have nothing to be happy about, ask yourself: Do I have my health? Working limbs? Air to breathe? Pets who love me? Clothes to wear and keep me warm? A boiled egg in the fridge? It can be anything.
4. Allow yourself to be happy even if the world is going to hell in a hand-bucket.
This does not make you uncaring or insensitive. You can always take action to alleviate suffering if it is in your capacity to do so. If it is not, then you can always send your love in a prayer (yes, I believe sending good intentions always works because of quantum entanglement theory. WatchGregg Braden explain this in a 2 minute video: The Science of Prayer).
Do what you can and when you can’t, be happy anyway because your unhappiness is certainly not going to help anyone. The frequency of joy can only elevate even if you can’t see the results in the world at large.
When you allow yourself to be happy, it is going to snowball. You’ll attract more and more things to be happy about. And don’t forget to give oodles of gratitude. You can alchemize anything with a great attitude. Read more about that here.
Cherie is a self-empowerment author, multi-media artist and musician living in the Klein Karoo, South Africa. She has weekly blogs at her site www.cherieroedirksen.comwhere she discusses practical and insightful perspectives on taking responsibility for your life and following your bliss.You can follow her on Facebook, on Pinterest, on LinkedIn and on YouTube.
Living authentically, living in a way that brings you joy, is a way of relating to life and to the world. It’s a way of engaging meaningfully with life.