Authenticity: Gabor Mate On Living In a Society that Kills Authenticity What is auhenticity? What does the word authenticity and being authentic really mean? If we think about it, growing up, none of us […] E. F. Mindfulness
Lacking Motivation? 5 Unexpected Reasons Why and How to Overcome It Are you lacking motivation or have trouble motivating yourself? If the answer is yes, you are not alone. The motivation of many people […] Ásta Sóllilja Mindfulness
The Beauty of Serendipity: How to Find Purpose, Happiness, and Peace in Difficult Times “Serendipity is not seen as an “accident” at all, yet an attitude or kind of lifestyle in which you are always paying attention to these unexpected things that can bring a smile, joy and peace even in the most difficult times.”~ Christine Ramsay Christine Ramsay Mindfulness
Your Life Purpose: 4 Simple Steps to Help You Find Your Life Purpose Even though you know your life purpose, achieving it can feel too hard. You find yourself getting stuck, constantly feeling like you’re on […] Mickie Singbubpha Mindfulness
Thank You: How this Underrated Mantra Gives Life to Heightened Levels of Bliss “If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough.”~ Meister Eckhart Meditation is a […] Jonathan Robinson Mindfulness
5 Great Reasons You Should Bring Mindfulness Into Your Everyday Life If you find that you are always being hooked by distractions and constantly blank out, you need to increase your mindfulness in everyday life. E. F. Mindfulness Uncategoriez
Be Still: 33 Life-Changing Lessons on the Power of Stillness “Be still. Stillness reveals the secrets of eternity. Eternity embraces the all-possible. The all-possible leads to a vision of oneness. A vision of […] Luminita D. Saviuc Mindfulness
4 Powerful Steps to Manifest Your Dream Reality and Raise Your Vibration Manifesting your dream reality is something most of us have heard about by now, since Rhonda Byrnes brought the concept into mainstream culture […] Paulina Xenia Mindfulness
Change Your Mind and Change Your Life Forever There is no independent outer world as it’s all the projection of our minds so what if when you change your mind, you […] Rahul Chelat Mindfulness
How to Stop Negative Thoughts from Entering Your Mind Negative thoughts are something that we’ll all face at some point. They may be caused by a sudden incident, or just occur for […] Veikko Arvonen Mindfulness
How to Stop Struggling with Fear and Move Away from It Fear is a feeling that we all experience. It can be triggered by anything from heights to social interactions with strangers. Fear, however, […] Ann Varney Mindfulness
6 Great Ways to Embrace Your Negative Emotions It has become the norm to expect happiness or to constantly strive for happiness. This can leave many of us feeling like there […] Orly Levy Mindfulness
3 Ways to Deal with Your Anxious Thoughts in The Face of Change “A good way to prevent anxious thoughts from arising is to give ourselves more credit. We are exactly where we need to be […] Kelsey Olin Mindfulness
2 Simple Ways to Train Your Mind to Work for You Not Against You Train Your Mind Your personal reality, your perception of the world and how you view your place in it, is driven by your […] Ruth Kenny Mindfulness
How to Listen to Yourself and Reduce the Outside Noise “It can be difficult to really listen to yourself as we have direct access to so much information at the touch of a […] Rebecca Lockwood Mindfulness