Authenticity: Gabor Mate On Living In a Society that Kills Authenticity
What is auhenticity? What does the word authenticity and being authentic really mean? If we think about it, growing up, none of us […]
Reinvent Yourself: 4 Useful Tips on How to Start Over Again
“Reinvent yourself over and over and over and over and over until you find home. There is no timeline for the soul.”~ Malebo […]
5 Powerful Things That Matter In Life, and People Too Often Forget
“While getting lost in all those little things that seem so important, don’t forget the little things that matter…”~ Virginia Alison The Dalai […]
Approval Seeking Behavior: How to Let Go of It
How do you let go of your approval seeking behavior? By realizing that you alone are enough and that you really don’t need […]
How to Find the Courage to Disappoint Your Family and Be True to Yourself
It takes a lot of courage to disappoint your family to be true to yourself. A lot of courage to start saying ‘no’ […]
True Beauty Is the Beauty from Within
Over the years I have learned that true beauty is the beauty from within. True beauty can be fully seen only when you are content with who you really are..