5 Reasons to Let Go of Resentments and Forgive
When you let go of resentments you free yourself from the prison of your attachments and realize that forgiveness was always the key to your freedom.
How to Trust Life Again, After You Have Lost All Hope
Little by little, you can learn to trust life again and return to a place of inner peace, love, and safety. And these […]
How Forgiveness Sets the Prisoner Free
Forgiveness sets the prisoner free, and the prisoner is always Us, never Them. We are the ones suffering from holding on… Negative Emotions […]
10 Simple Ways to Treat People, Not as Bad as They Are, but as Good as You Are
“Learn to treat people, not as bad as they are, but as good as you are. And in doing so you might become […]
8 Ways to Bring Peace to Your Life
You can bring peace to your life by first becoming mindful of the thoughts you think, the words you speak, and the actions […]
8 Simple Ways to Practice Compassion
Compassion is the realization of ONEness. To practice compassion is to realize that there is no separation between you and your fellow human […]
Guided Meditation for Forgiveness: Forgive Yourself and Others
The Healing Power of Forgiveness Forgivness is not a sign of weakness. Forgivness is a sign of strength. When you forgive, you free […]
Guided Meditation for Loneliness
“We are complex beings who wake up every day and fight against being labeled and diminished with stereotypes and characterizations that don’t reflect […]
How Love Binds Everything Together in Perfect Harmony
“Love is not selective, just as the light of the sun is not selective. It does not make one person special. It is […]
Embracing Our Humanity: On Letting Go of Fear to Step into Our Power
“What is tolerance? It is the consequence of humanity. We are all formed of frailty and error; let us pardon reciprocally each other’s […]
Forgiveness Meditation: Release Yourself from Resentment
Forgive. Release & Let Go “Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.” ~ Mark Twain […]
Repressed Anger: 7 Ways to Liberate Yourself from Repressed Anger
“When you have accepted yourself with all of your hang-ups, getting past your regrets, your flaws, and imperfections, you will be able to […]
How to Find the Courage to Disappoint Your Family and Be True to Yourself
It takes a lot of courage to disappoint your family to be true to yourself. A lot of courage to start saying ‘no’ […]
10 Life Promises You Should Make to Yourself
What if one day you woke up and decided to start living your life in a totally different way? What if all of a sudden you decided to make these 10 life promises to yourself and change your life for the better?
Heal Your Soul with Light: 8 Ways to Heal the Pain from Your Past
“You will never know that light exists if you first didn’t realize you were in the darkness. The idea is to be aware […]