Change Your Life in Just a Few Minutes a Day
Find out why you must change this way of thinking and how only a few minutes a day can totally change your life for the better.
Life Choices: Mind or Heart, Which One Will You Listen To?
Making your greatest life choices will always involve knowing which to listen to, your heart or your mind. Always understand which know best.
How to Align Yourself with Your Heart’s Energy
Here are 3 ways you can align yourself with your heart’s energy and live a life as you were meant to be living, happy, and peaceful.
5 Powerful Lessons to Learn from The Alchemist
Here are 5 powerful lessons that you too can learn from The Alchemist, lessons that may help you live and authentic life.
How To Navigate the Ebbs and Flows of Life
“The sea ebbs and flows, but the rock remains unmoved.” ~ Robert Murray M’Cheyne It was a cold winter afternoon when I first […]
How to Awaken Your Intuition in 3 Simple Steps
The intellect has little to do on the road to discovery. There comes a leap in consciousness, call it intuition or what you […]
10 Steps to Create What You Desire
These 10 steps will help you create what your desire in your life in a way that is fun and easy. 1. Name […]
5 Effective Ways to Regain Faith in Life
“Your faith can move mountains and your doubt can create them”~Unknown Regain Faith in Life Here is a simple definition of faith: A […]
The Power Of Love: Simple Ways To Live A Better Life
“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” ~ Buddha Know yourself, accept yourself, appreciate and love […]
35 Minutes to Finding Your Spirit Guide: Spoken Meditation
“If we listen to and follow the promptings of the Spirit Guide, they will serve as a Liahona, guiding us through the unknown, […]
5 Ways to Tap into Your Intuition and Create Your Own Reality
We have a lot more control over our reality than we often believe we do. Letting go of social expectations, and the idea […]
Healing: The Colorful Pieces of Healing
“Pain is a pesky part of being human, I’ve learned it feels like a stab wound to the heart, something I wish we […]
The Most Important Lesson I’ve Learned from Life
If you are lucky enough to find a way of life you love, you have to find the courage to live it. ~John […]
Listen to Your Mind, Follow Your Heart
When the future hinges on the next words that are said, don’t let logic interfere, believe your HEART instead. ~Philip Robison The smartest […]