6 Things You Should Forgive Yourself For
“Forgive yourself for the mistakes of the past and all the things you think you have done wrong. That was the best you knew how to do at that moment. Now that you know better, you can do better.”
12 Hurtful Stories We Need to Stop Telling Ourselves
The lies we tell ourselves may feel like truth to us, but they are just lies that are only meant to hurt, harm, and limit us from experiencing the greatness of life
How to End the War with Self and Be at Peace
“If there is one thing that traumatizes the Self more than anything else, that is the secret war we wage against ourselves.” ~ […]
Your Loving Divinity: On Making Peace with Your Divinity
“There is no separation between you and your Divinity. There never was and never will be. And if there seems to be any […]
How to Love Your Child When You Can’t Even Love Yourself
“To love your child is to bring to life a part of you that is sacred.” ~ Luminita D. Saviuc How to Love […]
6 Things You Should Know About Yourself
“The more you know about yourself the easier it becomes to trust, love, and accept yourself.” ~ Luminita D. Saviuc Know About Yourself […]
You Are Not Alone
You are not alone on this path you are now walking – you never were and never will be. You are loved. You are safe. You are guided and protected.
Never Enough: How to Stop Feeling Like You’re Never Enough
Why do we feel like we’re never enough? Is it because the people around us have made us feel this way, or is […]
If I Were a Man for a Day
If I Were a Man for A Day I would say ‘I’m sorry’ to all women. I’m sorry for not honoring the beauty, […]
On Learning to Look Within Yourself for Truth and Guidance
Look within. Think your own thoughts, create your own ideas, develop your own beliefs, create your own rules. This is what life is all about.
The 13 Traps of Wanting Approval
“Wanting approval comes from a feeling of lack – I don’t have what I want and I need to cling onto something or […]
12 Reasons Why People Stay in Unhealthy Relationships
Today’s blog post is all about that. Here are 12 reasons why people stay in unhealthy relationships, and why they have given up on love and on life.